Chapter 9. You are ZRK

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3rd POV

Simon froze. He let go of the furious boy's face and just stood there speechless.

"Simon answer me!"

"Y-you haven't asked anything yet." His voice was shaking. He digged his nails into his palms to at least stop his fingers from trembling.

"Did we know each other before? Before the car crash."

" What made you think that?"

"I'll tell you later.  Oh I'm sorry.  That's your phrase... Well then it doesn't matter."

"Yes. We did." The blonde sighed biting his lips.

"Was there even a car crash?"

Simon shook his head 'no' looking at the ground.

" I thought so..." Josh mumbled."Then why didn't you tell me? You didn't trust me enough to do so or what?"

"No it's not that-"

"Then what?"

"I would've told you eventually. after you joined us aga-"

"What if I wasn't going to come back?  Then I would never known!"

For the first time in their argument the blonde looked up at the brunette with piercing eyes. He hated it when somebody kept interrupting him. Especially if his saying was very important for both parties.

"Will you shut it for a second?!"

Josh looked at him with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed.

"So. If you had said no when I asked you I would've tried to convince you somehow. Then I would've shown you things from the past to make sure you get why you belong in our group. We should head back to my room since you want to know everything and that converstation is going to be long."

Josh followed the blonde silently back to his room. They sat down on the bed facing each other.

"I used to be your sidekick, didn't I?"

"Nope. Not even close to that."

"Then what? Just a random member of the group?"

Deep down in his mind Josh had another possible answer for this question that he was not daring to say out loud. Because with one word he could embarass himself easily. Boyfriend.

"You were the leader."

"Was I what? No you are kidding me!"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know"

"Well I'm not. I was your sidekick. Or more like right hand."

"Wow. Then...  Why did I leave? Or what happened? What made me lose my memories?"

"One question at a time please."

"How did we meet?"

"I can tell you the whole story if you want."

"Go for it."

So he did. He started with the day he met him during half time of a Sunday league game where Tobi and him were playing and Josh was cheering his friend on. How Tobi, who he already knew from the team, introduced the brunette to him and how they clicked almost instantly. They were all seventeen (pretend they were all born in the same year) when it happened. After that afternoon the three of them started hanging out every Friday. They chose that day, since they all had an irrefrangible rule for it. No studying on Friday.

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