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here i am with a fanfiction which is continuation from serial. this episode starts from when everyone distrust sanskar in serial.it continues from after the epi shown on 21-09-16.

APslaps sanskar and tells him that don't call her maa and that he has broken her trust and he never changed, just fake to care for all. sanskar knowing about sujata's betrayal and listening ap's words was heartbroken. he comes to baadi and here too ragini and shekhar agreed to dadi and shekhar broke all the ties with sharmishta in order to save their son's life and ragini too took money and got laksh freed on the condition of dadi that she will go to MM and live their and would not keep contacts with swara.

Aadarsh as promised to dadi gave 40% property to raglak .

Dadi(to swasan who are standing all shocked knowing about raglak leaving to mm and shekhar breaking ties with sumi)- ab swara aur ragini ke sur kabhi saath nahi bajenge. swaragini ab kabhi saath nahi honge.[SWARA AND RAGINI WON'T BE TOGETHER ANYMORE]

swasan were shocked and helpless. they wanted to cry out loud, to scream so that they could get rid of the pain they received by the breaking and separation of the family and distrust they showed towards them.

swasan came in dida's home and consoled sharmishta.

Swara- maa i am with you . maa...[hugged sumi]

Swara- [controlling her tears] maa your shona is here with you. i amthere naa maa. please maa if you will break down like this how will we live maa. say something maa.

swara couldn't hold any more and burst out in tears. she stood up and moved two steps back and dashed with sanskar. she immediately turned and hugged him and cried vigourously.

Swara- sanskar tell maa to speak something. what is all this happening sanskar and why is this happening why?

sanskar was also in tears but somehow composed himself.

sanskar[breaking the hug]- calm down swara maa will be fine.

sanskar wiped swara's tears and then sat in front of sumi.

sanskar- maa if you will be like this then how will we deal with this situation. maa i am your son too. don,t you consider me as your son maa?

finally sumi listening sanskar broke down her silence.

sumi- beta you are my son only. you will not leave your maa ever.

sanskar nodded reassuringly.

sumi- swara

swara comes and sits in front of her and holds sumi's hands

swara- maa...

sumi- beta see i am fine. don't cry. i know my shona is there for me always you both are with me then why should i cry. i am fine.

swasan and sumi hugged.

sanskar received a call from sujata.

sanskar- hello

sujata- beta i am coming back

sanskar- hmmm. come soon i have lots of things to talk and ask from you. and haan come to mm.

sanskar cuts the call.

sanskar- swara chalo we have to clear many things. maa we will come in a while you take rest ok.

sumi nodded and swara took her to room and made her to sleep.They reached mm where sujata was already waiting for them standing outside.

sujata- beta why have you called me here

sanskar- let's go inside.

sujata was confused by his behaviour but followed him.coming inside they saw raglak. ragini was doing his bandage. parineeta who was sitting in the hall saw them coming.

parineeta- now what have you come for. do you want to beat someone else too. get out from here.

sujata- parineeta why are you shouting at sanskar.

listening pari and sujata everyone came out.all were in the hall.sanskar has called rp there too and uttara came along with swasan , so every member was present there.

sanskar- mom did you take money from aadarsh maheshwari.

sujata- you only told that's why i took the money.

swasan, rp, uttara shocked to hear sujata while aadarsh and parineeta smirked and others looked at swasan with disgust.

sanskar- [shocked] when did i told you to take money from them.

sujata- why are you asking as if you don't know.

swasan were again shocked.

sanskar- [shouting] yes i don't know that's why i am asking you but i don't understand why are you telling lies and proving me wrong. i am your son. why are you doing this to me. why mom wky?

laksh- no need to do drama here and shout. we all know the truth and the truth is you are selfish and a cheater. you just fake your love and care towards us. you know what now i have understood that what matters to you and everyone is only money and nothing else. i hate you sanskar and feel disgusted of myself that you are my brother.

sanskar- lucky trust me i haven't done anything.

laksh- i did trust you and saw the result but no more. get lost from my eyesight.

sanskar- [to ap] maa,badepapa at least you trust me.

ap- i told you don't call me maa. i feel disgusted to hear that word from your mouth. [this pinched sanskar's heart]

rp- sanskar what have you done and why and sujata he told you and you took money from aadarsh. couldn't you say about this to me.

sujata- it's not like that. i....

rp- i don't want to listen to you anymore and sanskar i want trust you but can't as whatever is in font of me i can't neglect that.

sanskar- dad..

aadarsh- [ to worsen the situation] why don't you accept that you cheated them. you did beat me today to show yourself great in front of others but you are a backstabber.

laksh-sanskar go from here.

sanskar seeing distrust in everyone's eyes for him was completely broken. he stepped back in disbelief that no one's there to support him and trust him. he was to trip down but swara held him on time.

swara- sanskar..

sanskar looked at her teary eyes. swara could feel his pain as she is going through the same.



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