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the function was at it's end and guests were slowly departing from there. we can see[actually we cannot but can imagine] swara running behind swayyam.

swara- swayyam baby please listen to your mumma. have your dinner baccha. swayyam.

swayyam- no mumma first you do that everyone is doing. then i will eat.[ swayyam is talking about mehndi. swara has not applied mehndi. such acaring child naa]

swara- swayyam i will do it after you have your dinner pakka.

swayyam- no first you do that then i will eat.

swara was frustrated running.- champ now papa will catch you wait i am sending him.

swara went to call sanskar. here swayyam was standing near maheshwari's. aadarsh called him and swayyam went to him.

aadarsh- hey champ why aren't you eating

swayyam- because mumma is not listening to me.i know she will forget to do that [pointing towards mehndi in tray]. so i am not eating [awww.. how nice naa]

maheshwari's were astonished to listen swayyam.

aadarsh- oo accha you told me not to call you baby but your mumma calls you baby only.

parineeta- [in mind] why is aadarsh so friendly with him. this is not right. i will have to distance them.

swayyam- ohoho big uncle she is mumma. she can call me baby but you don't call.ok

aadarsh- ok [saw swasan coming] champ your mumma papa coming go.

swayyam ran from there and swasan were chasing them. finally sanskar caught him.

sanskar- champ why are you troubling mumma. come have your dinner.

swayyam- no papa. first tell mumma to do that.

sanskar- [confused] do what

swayyam- that there in everyone's hand. only mumma doesn't have that.

sanskar- [understood that swayyam is talking about mehndi] hmmm champ you are right. [to swara] swara why haven't you applied mehndi. chalo let's put mehndi in your hands.

swara- sanskar i need to make him eat. how can i apply mehndi.

sanskar- champ she is also right [swayyam made pout] soolution

swayyam- what

sanskar- today papa will feed champ while mumma put mehndi. ok champ.

swayyam- ok mumma now put that in your hand.

swayyam dragged swara for putting mehndi while sanskar brought food plate.

swara forwarded her hand and getting her mehndi done. and swayyam sat beside her observing it very keenly.

sanskar came and sat in front of swayyam on a chair.

sanskar- [smiled seeing swayyam observing mehndi on swara's hand] champ now have your dinner.

swayyam opened his mouth and sanskar feeded him. swara was admiring this father son jodi.

swara- [to sumi and uttara] maa , uttara did you both eat.

sumi- haan i ate and tanmay fed uttara. [uttara blushed]

swara- nikita ji you all had your dinner.

rashika- haan we had and now papa is also having his along with jiju. see there. now don't ask about every single person. all are mature and they know how to eat.

SWASAN: ONLY FOR YOU [completed]Where stories live. Discover now