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so the next episode begins here.


Man[ on call]- where are you man. i am searching you from the last 15 minutes but you are nowhere to be found. tell me the platform number again and ahhh.......

the man dashed with a girl and the phone fell down and got disconnected.

man[murmured to himself]- what the hell [he didn't saw whom he dashed with.

girl- i am so sorry...

the man looked at the girl hearing the soft voice and both had an eyelock.

girl [coming to senses] - i am sorry again.

man- no i am sorry

the man stood up and forwarded his hand to the girl which she holded and stood up .

girl- thank you.

man- it's ok.

girl smiled and moved from there and the man looked at the direction where she went. suddenly the man felt a tap on his shoulder and heard a manly voice from behind.

another man- i am here only i think you are lost somewhere.[yes he is the man who was talking with the 1st man on call]

man1- [coming to senses looked back] [happily] sanskar

both had a friendly hug.

sanskar[man 2]- tanmay where were you lost?[ yes the man 1 is tanmay sanskar's friend who came to receive him.]

tanmay-nowhere. finally after a long search we met. let's go.

sanskar- will have to wait for few minutes as my sister went to get some stuffs.

tanmay - ok

sanskar- come will introduce you to my family.

they came and sanskar introduced tanmay to sumi and swara.they were talking when uttara came there holding water bottles and some packaged foods.

uttara- bhabhi hold these and maa come and have something first and take your medicines.

tanmay turned to see uttara and both were shocked to see each other.

tanmay/uttara- youu...

sanskar- do you both know each other?

tanmay - no actually we dashed with each other while i was searching for you.[to uttara] i am sorry.

uttara- why are you sorry. it was my mistake i am sorry.

sanskar- ok now should we leave.

tanmay- yupp.. let's go

everyone came to tanmay's flat and they settled themselves and soon all mingled with tanmay well .

finally after arranging everything they settled themselves on sofa and talked for sometime.

swara- tanmay ji thankyou so much for whatever you have done for us.

tanmay- bhabhi you are embarrassing me by saying thanks. whatever i have today is all because of sanskar and that's why i am able to help you so please don't say thanks.

sanskar- but still tanmay it's all your hard work that you earned all these and i have done nothing. and whatever you did for us now , no one else would have done so thank you. thanks a lot.

tanmay[angry]- you can go from here right now.

everyone shocked

sanskar- tanmay...

tanmay- or what. you are breaking the rules of friendship by yourself and continuously saying me thanks ass if i have done a great favour on you. if you say thanks even once more i will throw you out of here and break our friendship.

everyone smiled and sanskar hugged him happily.

swara- achha now no sorry and thankyou from now. ok and now all of you please say me what should i prepare for dinner.

tanmay- bhabhi i will bring dinner from outside as there is nothing in the kitchen as i usually eat outside.

swara- ok then from now on you won't be eating outside and let's go and buy kitchen stuffs.

tanmay- [bowed down] as you say bhabhi. your wish my command.

everyone smiled at tanmay's antics.

swamay[ swara+tanmay] went and brought kitchen stuffs and swara prepared the dinner.

tanmay- bhabhi the food was really tasty.

sanskar- tanmay i need to talk to you.let's go in the balcony.

both headed towards the balcony and setteled themselves.

sanskar- tanmay i came here to start everything fresh. i have thought to start my own buisness once again. i will need your help.

sanskar talked about how to start the new buisness with tanmay.

the next day sanmay left early from home and sanskar got a job.he came home and informed everyone. their new life began.


sanskar was extremely sincere about his work. swara too joined a music school as a teacher. she teaches to play guitar. uttara has joined college to complete her studies.sharmistha as a good mother took care of everyone's healthand tanmay has been a supportive friend always. he developed a good bonding with sumi and swara. he occasionly talked with uttara as she most of the time remained silent and to be engrossed in her studies.

life was going all good but something has changed. our swasan has changed but thier love is still the same pure, divine , unconditional but the fact is they have stopped expressing it or can say that our lovely sanskar was so indulged in his work that he almost forgot that he has a beautiful wife who had desires to spend sometime with her hubby. it's not that she had any complains from him. she can sacrifice all her happiness for him but a human desires, and so does she . in the 24 hours of a day just few minutes and if not even that fust few seconds or even his one glance would be enough for her. his one smile for her and she doesn't want more. but this little desire of her could not be fulfilled evven as sanskar has involved himself so much in work that he could not see anything and can't even listen to his heart. he starts his day with work and ends with his office files and his laptop. his mind which has registered the incident of distrust from his family due to the money game played by aadarsh has decided to earn so much and become so powerful that anyone's power could not break him. he wants to make all efforts to secure their lives so that no one can harm them in anyway.

although he is doing this for his own family, for his love swara, his sister uttara and his mother sumi, but in all these he forgot to give them his precious time which matters them the most.

done with this episode

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