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swayyam convinced for maheshwari's coming next day and swasan sighed in relief.

swara- swayyam now change your dress and sleep.

swayyam- [involved in watching sinchan] hmmm...

swara- sanskar please you change him. i will remove my mehndi till then.

sanskar- hmm.[he is also watching sinchan with his champ]

swara- [unbelievable look] sanskar from when have you become so childish. you are watching cartoon as if you are a child.

sanskar- ohh hello when you watch it with champ then. now i am watching then i am acting childish. huh!

sanskar- champ let's change. we will watch it later.

swayyam and sanskar changed while swara removed her mehndi and did other works. she went in washroom to change.

in mm

dp- aadarsh i want to talk to you

aadarsh- papa can we please talk in morning. i will answer all your questions, but please in morning.

dp- ok.

in hotel-swasan room

when swara came out she saw swayyam sleeping over sanskar while sanskar patting his back with closed eyes. she smiled.

she came and sat beside sanskar and caressed his hair. sanskar opened his eyes and smiled at her.

swara- sanskar you are ok naa.

sanskar- hmmm.

swara- he slept so quickly

sanskar- must be tired. after all he did so much masti today.

he slowly placed swayyam on bed and covered him with blanket. he got up from bed and came and stood near window looking outside.

swara came behind him and leaned on his shoulder holding his arm.

swara- sanskar you can share what you are feeling. i am sorry for inviting them. i thought about uttara. i didn't knew all this will happen. i am so sorry.[tear skipped swara's eyes.]

sanskar- sshhhh swara [wiped her tears and cupped her face] you don't need to be sorry. in fact it's good that you called them.

swara looked at him confused.

sanskar- don't be confused [hugging her sideways] when you said that you called them, i was angry but then i thought why should i be angry even. what happened 4 years ago was our past. you know when they came and i saw them then flashes of past came across my mind but i didn't feel any pain. you know why?

swara looked at him raising her head from his chest

sanskar- because to be frank they don't matter to me.what matters is you and swayyam. my life starts with you both and will end at you both. i don't want anyone else. yaa they were my family and that thing always pinch me that my family didn't trust me, but more than that this realisation every second that you trust me and my champ in my life takes away all my sorrows. they will always be connected to me as i have blood relation with them, they have grown me up but any relation it may be without trust it's a complete failure.

sanskar- you know i have realised that i wasted my 6 months thinking about their distrust. [playfully] i could have romanced you and teased you in those 6 months. but i wasted that time but now you know i won't waste even a single minute.

he tightened his grip on swara's waist while swara widens her eyes in shock. sanskar caressed her cheeks sensuously and swara came in senses and blushed. she hit his chest with her hands and tried to move.

SWASAN: ONLY FOR YOU [completed]Where stories live. Discover now