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all were looking at sanskar expectantly.

sanskar- tomorrow is my sister's wedding and by destiny she shares a blood relation with you all, so you all are cordially invited in the wedding and shower your blessings on her for her future life. give her a special blessing that never in her life she faces anyone's mistrust. if you all will come tomorrow and be a part of the ceremony she will feel happy. and other than this i don't want any kind of discussions and nor want to answer anything else.

everyone was shocked to hear sanskar as he said each word calmly and without emotions.

swara held his hand and squeezed it to assure she is there for him. she can understand the inner turmoil which he went through and how much it pains to speak all these things to someone who once was his dear ones.

dp- [guilty] sanskar we did mistake but at least once try to forgive us. take your own time because i understand we did wrong with you and you have went through a lot because of us. what aadarsh has done and our mistrust, we can't undo it but now we can ask for forgiveness only.

ap- [guilty and teary eyed] haan beta. think once about it. please. we are your family and don't you think we deserve a chance. try to forgive us. please beta.

rp- [teary eyed and chocked voice] sanskar i am your father but i did not trust you. i am so sorry beta. please forgive us once.

sujata- [came forward and folded hands] sanskar i am the one who was responsible for all this. being your own mother i proved you wrong in front of all. but trust me in that situation i did as i thought was good for you. aadarsh told that he won't be harming anyone and........ leave all that. i wanted to give you happiness but instead it became the worst for you. i am sorry.

by now sujata was crying. sanskar's grip on swara's hand was getting tighter by each passing second. he somewhere was melting but did not wanted to. he did not want them back in his life. but a mother's tears always stabs child's heart and melt it and this was happening with sanskar but he was firm that whatever happens he will not accept them back and so he silently listened to them without answering them and holding swara's hand tightly.

ragini came and held sujata by shoulder.

ragini- sanskar hum sab aapse maafi mangte hain. [we all ask forgiveness from you] we are guilty for not trusting you. please forgive us.

laksh- sanskar we are sorry bhai. please forgive us.

sanskar wanted to say something but kept quite holding swara.

everyone had kept their pleadings in front of sanskar but he did not buzz.

aadarsh- [stammering and guilt ridden] s.....san..skar

all looked at aadarsh. aadarsh became nervous seeing everyone looking at him. he closed his eyes and open them being determined.

aadarsh- sanskar i am sorry. you were my younger brother but i did so wrong with you. i am sorry. i accept that all was done by me. you were always their for us but because of me you were left broken. since the mistake was mine don't punish others for it. i am ready to bear any kind of punishment you give but just come back home. [in tears] as an elder brother i didn't do anything for you but you have always been an ideal son for the family and a perfect brother. you did things selflessly and i in my foolishness hurted you a lot. please forgive us and return to our home.

sanskar listening aadarsh was angry, hurt. he felt like to burst out all his anger right now and was about to speak when he saw tanmay coming down and remained quite and moved towards tanmay.

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