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swara fainted in sanskar's arms. he took her in the room and called for nikita ji. she came along with rashika, who got tensed for swara as nikita informed her.

both of them came in the room. seeing them sanskar went to nikita ji.

sanskar- maam check swara please. she fainted. just check her immediately.

nikita- sanskar it's normal to faint in pregnancy. why are you sounding so tensed.

sanskar- because the situation she fainted was not normal. check her please.

nikita- ok.

nikita ji was checking swara and sanskar was standing tensed. rashika came and side hugged him in assurance that everything will be fine.

rashika- bhai cutie will be fine.

sanskar did not say anything just nodded while looking at swara with numb mind due to recent happenings.

nikita- sanskar she needs assistance now. what happened that her situation worsened like this. she was alright till yesterday. you know very well that this pregnancy is very tough for her. you have been caring for her so wisely then how so suddenly.

sanskar- i will explain later. for now do we need to shift her to hospital.

nikita- no she needs rest and i will call at hospital to arrange everything here.

sanskar- is it serious.

nikita- not so much but still it will be risky if she undergoes stress and you know what i mean by that.

sanskar nodded in tension quite evident.

they all came out of room and sanskar went near swara and kissed on her forehead and properly covering her came out.

nikita and rashika were in hall seeing everything confused. nikita went near sumi who was sitting idol on the sofa.

nikita- [keeping hand on sumi's shoulder] sumi ji.

sumi- no response.

nikita- [shaking her] sumi ji.

sumi- [coming to sense] ha....haannn.....haan.

sumi stood up confused and lost.

sumi- aap [you here] i mean when did you come.

nikita- [looked confused at sumi] i came sometime before to check swara.

sumi- swara [sumi looked around to find her] where is she and check her now?

nikita- yaa...she fainted and sanskar called me to check her.

sanskar was standing there itself lost in his thoughts.

sumi- how is she?

nikita- still unconscious.

nikita- what's the matter. why is everyone so tensed and what happened that swara's health got affected.

sanskar came in front of raglak.

sanskar- which stage and what about treatment.

both kept quite.

sanskar- i asked something.

ragini- we are sorry for all what happened here and for swara's health. i did not want to hurt swara or... we will leave tomorrow. you need not worry.

sanskar- that's not my answer. which stage is the cancer and aren't you going for treatment.

laksh- end of second stage and we consulted many doctor and got him treated with all possible ways but no use.

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