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everyone had their lunch and till then mm people tried to talk to swasan and uttara a lot of times but they never gave them chance to speak to avoid any kind of argument as they clearly did not want to go back in their lives and forgive them.

with the continuous trial laksh was getting frustrated. while others were felling sad. same continued for sometime. swasan family wanted them to get back but could not say it directly as that will feel insulting. so they kept quite.

swayyam took ayush to his room and they were playing together with his toys. ayush was telling swayyam few things about school as he has joined in school. swayyam was listening this carefully. they were enjoying their time with kamala taking care of them upstairs.

here downstairs tanmay and rashika were continuously pulling each other's leg and dragging sanskar in their talks and teasing each other.

they somehow tried to pass there time in presence of mm.

swara- [slowly] maa do you want to share something. i am seeing you tensed from the time i came. i thought may be preparations but now why are you tensed.

sumi- i want to tell something but will say when we will be alone not now.

swara nodded understandingly still worried about what she wants to say.

finally not able to control himself laksh speaks loudly addressing sanskar in front of everyone.

laksh- sanskar it's enough. please listen to us and talk something. you can't just avoid us like that. we are at fault but everyone gets a chance, then why not us.

sanskar did not say anything just stood silent.

dp- laksh

laksh- no papa not today. i understand we hurt him a lot by not trusting him but why can't he understand the situation was such that we could not think wisely and so this all happened. we are guilty for what we did and are continuously asking sorry from him. why can't he forgive us and come back.

ragini- laksh please aaram se. don't be hyper.

laksh- ragini i am not getting hyper. i am just saying the fact.

laksh- [to sanskar] sanskar what is the problem in coming back to home. we are really regretting for what we did. but we should get one chance at least.

sanskar- laksh i already told we have no relation and i am not coming back. you are speaking as if we don't have emotions. situation was like that that you can't trust me but remember laksh it's time and situation which tests our relations and not trusting us you broke our relation and the discussion ends here.

laksh- [a bit angry and wanting to accept defeat] no sanskar it doesn't get over here. u will have to come back. everyone does mistake. that we did too. and sanskar you also have done mistake in life. you too did not trust me and papa, remember but we forgave you. you did wrong with swara but she also forgave you then why can't you forgive us. swara when you can forgive sanskar for what he did to you then why can't you forgive us.

sanskar looked at swara teary eyes remembering that once in his life she was hurted very badly by him. he did not intended to hurt her and he had no personal grudges against her but he acted like a mad in revenge and helped ragini in maligning her character to achieve her motive.

swara- [looked at sanskar who was teary eyed] laksh don't drag unnecessary topics in between.

laksh- unnecessary topics. swara i am saying the fact. sanskar did not trust us and tried taking revenge and he did so much to you but you forgave and we also forgave him. now that we are at fault then why can't you both forgive us. why don't you understand that it was situation in which we got stuck and could not trust you.

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