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swara's side-

the whole day swara did not had anything and nor did anyone come to her room. at night at dinner time mp came in the room and knowing that she did not eat anything from morning he was annoyed.

mp- [angry] what the hell is this. why didn't you had your food.

swara- no reply.

mp- [more angry] [goes near her and fists her hair causing her pain] i asked you something.

swara- [wincing in pain] i will not have it. i eat or not that is none of your concern.[swara said in her weak voice protesting]

swara's condition was very bad. her health was poor.

mp- ohh so you will protest me. now listen to me carefully. you silently have your dinner and from now on you will follow whatever i say or else i have other ways to get things done.

swara- you can't do anything.

mp- will you eat or not.

swara – nooo

mp- ok then.

mp leaned towards swara with smirk and was so close to her while swara was beyond shocked and feared to what he is going to do.

swara- [stammering] what..... ar..e you ......doing. stay ....away.

mp- what can i do if you don't listen. now that i am getting annoyed by your stubbornness and also impatient and can't wait till you get fine completely.

swara was shocked. she pushed him with all her strength.

swara- dare you come near me. stay away.

mp- [laughed] baby you can't keep me away. you are at my place. come on let me come close to you. [said this moving close to her]

swara- don't i said stay away.

mp- how can i when you don't listen to me.

swara- [moving back seeing him approaching her] i don't want to listen to you. don't come near me. just stay away.

mp- no baby.i can't

swara- i will eat. i will eat the dinner. now stay away. go from here.

mp- how do i believe you.

swara- i will eat now. you see yourself and go.

swara moved to take plate being as far as possible from him and started eating.

mp- that's good. have a good sleep. see you tomorrow.

mp left from there while swara cried out her heart and slept due to tiredness.

at sanskar's side.

sanskar made the kids sleep and thinking about the past.

swara completed her third month and all went smooth till now. raglak shekhar visited once more during this span making swara annoyed but sanskar was there to calm her before she burst out on anyone.

one particular day at night both swasan were pretending to sleep for each other. first they slept as usual in each other's embrace but then swara moved out and slept turning other side. sanskar who was pretending to sleep felt this but still pretended. he thought that it is even more better. now both were lying facing each other's back. guess they are waiting for something and for them time was passing very slowly but somehow they managed without speaking and without letting the other know that they are awake. when the clock striked 12 both got up slowly and turned to the other and got surprised to see the other awake.

SWASAN: ONLY FOR YOU [completed]Where stories live. Discover now