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the morning looks beautiful with the sun spreading the redness in the sky and disturbing our swasan's sleep who were tugged to each other as if they will lose if they let them go from their grip. as the morning was beautiful will it end the same? today is a memorable day as it's the wedding of uttara and hope so this day brings lots of happiness to her life.

swasan were disturbed by the morning sunrays and swara woke up but sanskar was sanskar. he tightly held her and placed his head in the crook of her neck and slept peacefully. seeing this swara was smiling and did not disturb him but stayed there to his surprise without argument. he without moving asked her leaving his breath on her neck making her shiver.

sanskar- swara today no arguments. something special.

swara- don't know, just felt like to stay back for sometime. [teasingly] if you don't like then i am going [she moved a little]

sanskar tightly held her not allowing her to move even an inch.

sanskar- you know rarely i get mornings only with you and can snuggle in you and you want to go. i won't allow. be here for sometime.

sanskar was sleeping almost over swara nuzzling his head in her neck and swara was ruffling his hairs affectionately with her eyes closed.

after about half an hour.

swara- sanskar now get up.

sanskar- [lazily] why so soon.

swara- i hope you are not forgetting that today is uttara's wedding. so get up.

sanskar- [sadly]hmmmm.

swara- don't be sad and behave like this. she is going to stay with us only just the difference will be the house will be of neighbourhood, i.e., tanmay's house. but still she would be before our eyes all the time. now cheer up and leave me, need to get ready.

sanskar- i was also sad because i have to leave you now. [naughtily] to cheer me up u need to do something.

sensing sanskar's mischievous look she commanded him

swara- sanskar leave me now.

sanskar loosened the grip but how he could leave opportunity. he came above her completely and placed his lips on hers without giving swara a second to realise what happened. he was kissing her passionately and did not wanted to leave her easily and so was with swara. initally shocked but gave in without any protest.

sanskar-[breaking the kiss when out of breath] what happened today everything so different. you are not protesting for anything.

swara- if i don't protest then also you have problem.

saskar-[smilingly] no just was amazed.

he kissed her forehead and swara kissed his cheeks and they got up.

sanskar was busy with all the preparations in the hall while swara was busy looking after uttara's necessary things like her clothes, jewellery and pooja ingredients. all the time rashika and nikita was with uttara and sumi along with swayyam also accompanied uttara in her room. risabh was helping sanskar. like this the whole day passed and it was evening time and the last minute preparations were being done by our swasan. after they all went and got ready. in swasan room

swara was making swayyam ready in a beautiful sherwani and pyjama and he was looking extremely cute.

swara- baby don't run in the hall and sit beside uttara bua or be with nani or rashika bua all the time. ok don't go anywhere without telling us and be careful. there will be many people, so be around us. ok

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