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morning sun rays hit swara and she woke up and saw sanskar and swayyam sleeping hugging each other. she smiled looking at them. then she saw sanskar struggling to sleep because of sun's rays. she kept her hands in front of his eyes and he relaxed and slept peacefully. she thought to remove her hand and wake him up but this idea did not went till her heart and looking at both of them she thought it's better to let them sleep for some more time. she sat like that covering sanskar's eyes from sun's rays for long time and stared him lovingly.

sanskar woke up and saw swara's hand and turned towards the other side to find swara staring him lovingly. he smiled seeing her lost in him that she did not realize that he is awake.

sanskar- aahhmmm swara i am up. don't stare me like that. [dramatically] i feel shy.

swara- [comes to sense and shockingly looked at sanskar] – shy

sanskar- yaa. you are staring me and lost in me that you did not realize that i am awake and so i felt shy.[said it dramatically and acted to be shy by covering his face with his palms.]

swara laughed seeing his antics.

swara- hahaha sanskar you are too much. [controlling her laugh] you are indeed a good actor as i complemented you yesterday but you never acted this way. ufff [she was red due to controlling her laugh but not able to hold more she laughed again] hahahaha oh god. please save me from laughing more. ufff hahahhaa.

sanskar just stared her lovingly the way she is laughing and happy whole heartedly. he is seeing the old bubbly ever happy swara now. he felt immense happiness in his heart and continued looking at her laughing.

swara- [felt his gaze and looked at him] why are you staring me now?

sanskar- nothing just seeing how happy you are, and how beautiful you look when you laugh like this. i want to see you like this each and every minute and if for this i have to do such acts i am ever ready to do it my whole life.

swara- sanskar my happiness is you. and surely if you act like you did now i don't need anything more to laugh uncontrollably. [saying this she laughed again]

swayyam- [lazily rubbing his eyes] mumma why are you laughing.

swara- [looked at swayyam] nothing baby just like this. i felt to laugh so i laughed.

swayyam- mumma why i don't feel like this.

swara looked at sanskar for an answer.

sanskar- champ woh mumma remembered something and laughed on that matter. leave all that. now as you woke up so run to waashroom and i will be there in a minute and we will clean your teeth.

swayyam- ok. [kissed sanskar and swara on their cheek] mumma-papa you forgot to wish me good morning.

swasan- good morning baby/champ [ruffling his hairs]

swayyam got down the bed and ran in washroom.

sanskar also got up and kissed swara's forehead.

sanskar- sorry to be late but it is said naa better late than never. good morning princess.

swara- good morning. go swayyam must be waiting.

sanskar nodded and went to brush his champ's teeth.

in hotel uttmay were sleeping in each other's embrace. they woke due to a phone call.

uttara- [in sleep with eyes closed but irritated due to sound of call] please stop this sound.

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