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sanskar- bade papa i have thought to shift the luggage tomorrow and yaa i thought about the company. i checked it's records and the company is same as it was three years back. so to bring more profits i have thought my company is starting a new project. i have thought to merge maheshwari company in that project with ours. [sanskar explained about the project] what do you think.

dp- beta as you think is correct. i am proud of you.

sanskar- thank you bade papa. i have the papers with me right now. if you sign them then we can start with the project. actually i got the papers made ready before i came here. so if you think it's right then [forwarded the papers] please read and sign the papers.

dp- [happily] why not. [dp was about to read]

sanskar- bade papa in the first page it is written that.....[himself told about things written in papers] sorry actually you read it.

dp- it's ok sanskar i will sign it.

dp signed on the papers.

meanwhile sanskar forwarded a papers to shekhar,

shekhar- what is this sanskar beta.

sanskar- baba actually i have bought a property on ayush name. so as he is not big enough for this so till he becomes 18 you will be the care taker for the property. these are those papers.

shekhar- what is the need of these.

sanskar- baba there is no need but it was just my wish to gift something which may be benificial for him in future. you can read it and then sign and please don't say no.

shekahr too signed the papers without reading and gave to sanskar and just then laksh entered with the man furiously.

laksh- [seeing the papers] papa did you sign on these papers.

dp- haan beta. sanskar has told about the project of his new company. it would be good for our company.

laksh- no papa.

laksh- sanskar give the papers back. i want to read them.

sanskar- but i have already told about the papers to bade papa. and then he signed it. [he said with a smile]

laksh- papa did you read them.

dp [confused]- no sanskar explained it and i just read the first page and signed it.

man- sir i told you.

laksh- sanskar give these papers to me. i want to read them.

sanskar- but what's there to read in them laksh. i said i already told what is written in it.

dp- laksh what is going on here and who is this man. i think you are one working in our office right.

laksh- yes papa he is mr. sharma. he came here to inform that sanskar is planning against us to take revenge because we didn't trust him.

dp- [shockingly] what are you saying laksh.

laksh- i am saying the truth papa. see these papers. you remember sanskar arranged a meeting day before yesterday and we attended it. in that meeting mr. sharma accompanied me and bhai. there after meeting we all signed some papers and now mr. sharma got to know that those papers were of company and our employement under him. sanskar had named it on his name and papa now the papers you have signed is property papers.

laksh- that meeting day too i heard his workers talking something like sanskar is planning to take over a company and their property because they didn't trusted on him earlier and this will be his revenge.

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