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i am so sorry guys because i am not replying to your comments and thanks a lot to al those who have commented. and thanks to the silent readers too.

in hall

swautt greeted society ladies

swara/uttara- namaste

swara- aaplog itni subah subah[all of you this early morning!!]

arpana[one of the ladies]- swara ji we came to inform you about the cultura function we organise every month will be tomorrow and all of you are invited in it and also you have to come in the meeting in evening.

swara- sure.

tanmay came to hall-bhabhi please a cup of tea for me.

when he saw the ladies.

tanmay- namastey aaplog yaha

swara- tanmay ji they are here to invite us for tomorrow's society cultural function.

tanmay- ohh thankyou for the invitation pretty ladies, i will surely come [the ladies smiled at his flirty acceptance]

uttara- i will give your tea just in a while.

tanmay- thankyou

tanmay moved from there to his room and uttara to kitchen to prepare coffee.

swara-vaise what is the theme this month?

rupali- marathi. we thought that why don't we keep our city culture asthe theme itself.nice naa.

swara- [tensed] it means we will have to wear maharastrian dress.

rupali- haan any problem.

swara- no actually i don't know how to wear it.

arpana- [laughing] that's why you are tensed. don't worry you all come to my home. i will help you out.

swara- thankyou so much.

arpana- accha we should leave. we have to inform others too.

swara- thankyou so much for the invitation and help.

arpana- my pleasure dear.

the ladies left and swautt were busy in preparing breakfast.

sanskar- [shouting from his room]- swara my clothes.

swara- aayi

swara- uttara the curry is almost done. i am coming in two minutes.

uttara- ji bhabhi

swara came in room and took out sanskar's clothes and was going out when sanskar came from back and pinned her to wall.

swara- sanskar [slightly hitting on his shoulder] you scared me.

sanskar- just wanna complete my incomplete work.

swara- you got more than you asked. now go take bath and get ready for office or you will be late.

sanskar- i don't want to go office today.

swara- and what about the meeting that is at 11 a.m i guess and you are going to present it i hope.

sanskar- you naa totally spoil the mood. ok i am going. all are villain in my romance including my wife. huh.

but before leaving he pecked her lips leaving her all shocked.

swara came to kitchen all blushing.

uttara-bhabhi you are looking so beautiful and your cheeks are red.i wanted to ask you earlier itself but didn't got opportunity. how so suddenly you are glowing so much.

swara- [trying to control her blush]nothing like that uttara. you are thinkiing too much.

uttara- hmmmm affect of bhai's love haan.

swara- uttara you are teasing your bhabhi. so bad.

uttara chuckled as swara could not hide her blush.

everyone had their breakfast and sanskar teased swara unnoticed by everyone and went to office.

it was evening and swara and uttara attended the meeting and were discussing among themselves while waiting outside for sumi to open the door.

uttara- bhabhi will bhai attend the function this time?

swara- don't know till now he didn't attend even a single and i have not informed him till now but i will try to convince for this time.

uttara- vaise marathi theme is interesting. we will get to know about their cultures, hain naa.

swara- right but i am tensed about that half saree which we have to wear. although aparna will help us but still this will be the first time naa.

after a while sumi opened the door and they came in.

atnight after dinner in swasan room

swara- sanskar actually iwanted to tell you about the cultural function. it is being held tomorrow. will you come?

sanskar- swara i have a lot of work to do so please you all attend it. please and don't request me again as my decision won't change. now you sleep as i will be working for some more time. good night.

swara slept disappointed.

next morning was as usual breakfast, office, school,etc.swara was sad as sanskar denied to come to the party. although he denied the other times too but this time swara thought that may be he would agree.

in the evening swara, sumi and uttara went to aparna's house to wear the half saree with her help.

they came to the function. it was well organised and everyone dressed according to maharastrian culture and performances were going on all were enjoying and the function was in full swing but swara was found least interested.

she sat on a chair and saw the performances.

an announcement caught her attention and she literally jumped from her place on hearing the voice and looked towards the stage with eagerness.

done with this part


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