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in flashback.

swasan slept in each others embrace peacefully obvio with the new coming member in swara's womb who watched their romance secretly. he..he..he.

next morning

swara woke up with a beautiful smile on her face but soon it turned to a frown not finding sanskar beside her. she looked around the whole room and but he was nowhere. something caught her attention and she got down the bed.

she went near the table and saw coconut water kept on table along with a chit.

CHIT:- good morning princess. sorry for not being with you when you woke up but what to do had some work. i will return at breakfast time and till then you freshen up and make sure to drink the coconut water kept for you. be ready because after breakfast we will go for your check up..........................................LOVE YOU AND BABY.

swara smiled and talked with the baby.

swara- [to baby] baby see papa cares for us and love us so much. you know when papa told me about u i could not believe and so pinched him. ha haha when i realised that it is real and at that time i could do was only to hug your papa and cry in happiness. i didn't knew how to react. love you baby. now let's get ready.

swara freshened up and then drank the coconut water with a smile.

------------- at breakfast time sanskar came and swara smiled sweetly at him bringing a wide curve on his lips and started setting the table. they all had breakfast and then swasan left to hospital [nikita's hospital]

nikita's hospital

swasan were sitting outside nikita's chamber as someone was already in. more than swara sanskar was nervous.

sanskar- swara would you drink water.

swara- no

sanskar- ok i will drink. [he gulped a full glass]

then after two minutes.

sanskar- swara you are ok naa.

swara- [smiled] haan sanskar.

a nurse called them in.

while entering.

sanskar- swara don't be nervous ok. i am with you.

swara- [squeezed his hands] i am not nervous and i know you are with me. everything will be fine. trust me.

sanskar relaxed on swara's assurance and both entered the cabin. both greeted nikita and so did she.

nikita took her to a connected room for tests and sanskar was sitting in cabin. then a nurse came and called sanskar to that room.

sanskar tensedly entered the room and nikita told him to sit beside swara.

nikita- swara sanskar look at the screen.

it was the first ultrasound of swara. swasan looked at the screen but didn't get anything.

nikita- you see that small dot like thing that's your baby child.

swasan looked at it and had tears of happiness came in their eyes. they were holding each other's hand tightly.

swara- sanskar our baby.

sanskar just nodded.

nikita- if your condition is this just by seeing then what will happen when you will hear the heart beat of your child.

sanskar- [voice getting stuck due to immense happiness] maam.....can.......we really.....hear....the heart....beat.

nikita- yes wait a minute.

SWASAN: ONLY FOR YOU [completed]Where stories live. Discover now