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4 days later

swasan had to go to play school for kids for the purpose of swayyam's admission. they had done ayush admission a day before.

in swasan room while they were getting ready, actually swasan getting swayyam ready and making him understand what he all may have to do and how should he behave during interview etc.

swayyam- mumma i will go school like ayush bhaiyaa.

swara- yes.

swara- baby as we are going to school, there a lady will ask you questions and you answer them politely.

swayyam- mumma what question will she ask.

swara- she will ask your name what do you like, and some other things. you tell her the answers you know and for which you don't know just say her that you don't know. ok

swayyam- ok mumma.

swara- [while buttoning his shirt] and be like a good boy. don't misbehave with anyone and also don't be rude. if you will be good boy then only she will allow you to come to school.

swayyam- mumma why will she allow. you take me if she don't allow.

swara- accchaa tell me if anyone comes to our house then who will allow them in.

swayyam- we

swara- right. now tell me if some one goes to papa's office then who will allow hi to come in.

swayyam- papa

swara- yes like that only that lady will allow us in school because that is her office. as everyone in papa's office call your papa boss and sir in the same way in school we will call that lady principle or maam. principle is boss of school. and like there are many officers in papa's office there will be teachers and like there are many staff under those officers in papa's office same like that there are students in school. if principle will allow you then you will become student.

swayyam – [heard everything with concentration] mumma so bhaiyaa is student and i will also become student.

swara- [completed dressing him up and kissed his forehead] yes my baby.

swayyam- [jumped in excitement] i will be student...yeyyy like bhaiyaa i will be student.

swara- [holded him] i told naa you will behave like nice boy. and don't shout there. talk everything very sweetly. and when we enter in principle room you wish her good morning. ok.

swayyam- ok mumma.

swayyam- papa how many question will she ask.

sanskar who was sitting on couch seeing them answered him.

sanskar- champ how many question does not matter. if you know the answer then tell her the answer and if don't then say her you don't know same as mumma told.

swayyam- ok.

sanskar- and champ you are very intelligent and smart so i am sure that they will allow you in school. just be good boy which you alredy are. [sanskar walked up to swayyam and picked him up in his arms]

sanskar- swara we are going down you too come quick.

swara- yaa just two minutes i will join you.

sanskar and swayyam went down. there uttmay, rishita, rashika, sumi and ayush were already present.

uttmay- champ all the best.

swayyam- all the best.

rashika- buddy when someone says all the best then say thank you.

swayyam- thank you.

swara came down.

swara- chale [shall we move.

sanskar- yaa

sumi- one minute.

she made them eat sweet curd. they went to school. on their way swasan were confident but still as parents they were a little nervous as it was the first step towards swayyam's studies and future and their interview as parents.

swasan entered the principle cabin holding swayyam's hand.

swasan greeted the principle followed by swayyam. principle smiled and wished them back.

principle- please take a seat.

swasanyyam sat on the chair.

principle- so mr. sanskar and mrs. swara you are here for your son's admission.

sanskar- yes maam.

principle- beta what is your name.

swayyam- my name is swayyam sanskar.

principle- what ismumma and papa's name.

swayyam looked both swasan and then at principle.

swayyam- mumma's name is mrs. swara sanskar and papa's name is mr. sanskar swara. [after completing the sentence swayyam smiled as he told his parents name completely]

swasan looked at each other and then at swayyam who told there name so nicely with his sweet voice.

principle looked at swasan amused after hearing the name.

principle- sorry mr. sanskar to ask you what's your title and why your name has your wife's name. i read the same in the

application form.

swara looked at sanskar with worried expression listening the question. she was worried for him that he may feel hurt or remember maheshwari's but to her surprise he was calm without any kind of pain visible in his eyes. infact he was smiling and answered principle back smilingly and his answer made her overhelmed and proud and not only her but the principle too.

sanskar- actually maam i don't have a family background as such and for me my wife and my son are everything, my family so i don't have a title in my name and about swara's name after my name....... we both are husband and wife, partners for life and according to me if women take up their husband's name after marriage then why can't men do so. after all it's not only women who are going to be part of someone's life after marriage but men too who will be their better half till the end of life. so why not my wife's name after my name.

sanskar- not having a surname won't matter much i hope.

principle- [proud and amused by his answer] i am really glad to know your opinion and really men like you in society are very less. with your answer i am quite impressed and i am sure your son will grow with very good values as you are his parents.

then principle asked few more question to swayyam and swasan and then confirmed the admission.

principle- your child is really very smart. we are taking his admission. thank you for visiting our school.

swasan- thank you maam. we will leave now.

principle- your welcome.

swasanyyam came out of principle cabin and sanskar picked up swayyam and twirled him in air happily.

sanskar- champ you got the admission. you will come to school from after few days.

swayyam- really papa. principle allowed me.

sanskar- yes champ.

sanskar kissed on his cheeks happily and swayyam too did the same and kissed swara too. they returned back home and everyone was happy with the news. kids played and sanuttmay went to office.

done with this part.

precap- swasan teaching alphabets to swayyam , swasan nok jhok sanskar angry.


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