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the story continues from present.

it was the next morning and sanskar's felt disturbed due to someone shaking him. he being in sleep dreamt it of being swara trying to wake him up in the morning.

sanskar- [murmured in sleep] swara please let me sleep.

but feeling continuous shake he felt frustrated.

sanskar- [a bit loud] swara please naa let me sleep. [he said pulling the blanket over him]

person- jiju wake up [shouted in sanskar's ears]

sanskar jerked and got up.

sanskar looked at the person rubbing his ears.

sanskar- ayush why did you shout in my ears so loudly.

ayush- [innocently] jiju i came to wake u up but u were not getting up and telling 'swara please let me sleep' so i shouted in your ears to wake u up.

realisation hit sanskar that swara is not here and his face turned pale again.

ayush- jiju now what are you thinking. i am sorry for shouting.

sanskar- it's ok.

ayush- jiju wake up swayyam and sanu. they are not waking up. i tried.

sanskar- haan...

sanskar- [shaking swayyam] champ get up it's morning. see ayush is here.......champ.....

swayyam- hmmm...papa....ummmhhh..

swayyam lazily got up and hugged sanskar who was sitting by his side.

swayyam- good morning papa.

sanskar- good morning champ. [kissed his forehead] chalo ayush is waiting for u. get up and freshen up.

swayyam obliged and went in washroom greeting ayush.

sanskar- angel get up.

saniya- [in sleepy mode extended her hands]

sanskar understanding her action picked her up and made her sit on his lap like everyday's routine.

sanskar caressing her hairs- angel chalo now get up.

sanu- hmmm papa.[hugging him more]

sanskar smiled and continued caressing her hair.

ayush- sanu get up. how much will you sleep.

sanu hided her face more in sanskar.

swayyam came out of washroom.

ayush- swayyam see her she is not getting up. how much you both sleep. huh!

swayyam- bhaiyaa i woke up naa. and sanu is sleepy head. so much tantrums to wake up.

sanskar- champ let her sleep.

swayyam- papa you always take her side.

swayyam came to her and shook her.

swayyam- sanu get up. sanu....

swayyam slightly pinched her without sanskar's notice to wake her up and she started crying.

sanu- unnnhhhh.....unnnhhhh

sanskar- what happened angel why you started crying. you want then sleep.

sanu- papa bhaiyuu pinched me....unnhhhhh

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