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RECAP- sanskar teasing swara and 'untouched romance'[hahaha how was this concept]

swara hurriedly came out of room and was moving towards kitchen when uttara stopped her.

uttara- bhabhi

swara- haan uttara [avoiding eye contact]

uttara- bhabhi i will help you in preparing dinner today as i have completed my studies.

swara- haan ok

swara entered kitchen and was blushing hard remembering sanskar's words and their closeness.

uttara noticed her behaviour changed. swara was behaving weird. she was putting the vegetable peels in utensil and the peeled off vegetables in the dustbin.

uttara- bhabhi what are you doing.

swra snapped towards her with questioning look

uttara- you are throwing the vegetables in dustbin.

it's then that swara observed it and slightly hit her head.

uttara- bhabhi are you alright. where are you lost. is there any problem.

swara- no uttara i am perfectly alright. yaa.

swara then focussed on cooking.

after some time everyone was on dinner table.

swara was serving to everyone and then she herself sat beside and all started eating. she was avoiding to look at sanskar. uttara seeing her weird behaviour again asked her.

uttara- bhabhi are you sure you are fine.

swara- haan uttara i am absolutely fine.

sanskar understood seeing swara why she is behaving like this and was smiling sheepishly observed by uttara.

uttara- bhai now why are you smiling like this.

sanskar- arrey i have the right to smile and till yesterday you had problem that i don't smile and now when i am smiling you are asking why so.

he didn't realise that what he spoke.

uttara- [guilty] i am sorry bhai about yesterday. i didn't mean to hurt you. i am really sorry.

uttara went leaving the dinner in half.

swara- sanskar what is this. why you spoke like that. she was blaming herself from yesterday thinking that she hurt you by her words and now you. wait i will come in a while.

sanskar kept his hand on swara's before she gets up.

sanskar- i think i should go [he blinked his eyes assuringly to which swara nodded]

in uttara's room

uttara was sitting on the bed curling her knees upto her chest and crying.

sanskar knocked on the door and entered, while uttara quickly wiped her tears.

uttara- bhai come naa.

sanskarcame and sat beside her.

sanskar- so u were crying. did i hurt you so much.

uttara- no bhai instead i did hurt u. i am sorry for not understanding you.

sanskar- [cupped uttara's face] no uttara you did not hurt me. you know if yesterday if you wouldn't have raised the topic then i wouldn't have realised that i am mourning for the absence of those who did not trust me and whom i have oath not to bring back in my life and also realised that i am hurting myself as well as you all by ignoring alll of you.so now my little sister stop crying for the mistake you did not do.

saying this sanskar wiped uttara's tears and pecked her forehead.

sanskar- waise thankyou so much for being with me. i promise now i will be happy and won't give you chance for complains.

uttara-[innocently] pakka

sanskar- pakka. accha now chalo i am still hungry and you also did not ate your dinner properly. so let's grab our seats and eat something otherwise everyone will finish the food.

uttara smiled slightly listening sanskar and came with him to the dining table and both settled themselves.

swara looked at both of them and they were smiling. she was relaxed as now everything was fine.

everyone was having their dinner while chatting on random things like uttara's college, swara's school and their office etc. and finally all dispersed to their rooms happily.

in swasan room

swara was peeking through the room to see what sanskar was doing as she was nervous about what sanskar said in the evening.

she saw him working with concentration and slowly entered the room withhout making noise. she was about to sleep thinking that sanskar forgot and is busy in his works when sanskar held her placing one hand over her belly above her clothes and back hugging her. swara was shocked with sudden move and felt a current passed through her spine.

swara- sanskar

sanskar- swara why were you peeking through the door.

swara- you were working naa.then how?

sanskar- i am sanskar. don't underestimate. i saw you but you didn't knew that i saw you peeking. [teasingly]i am your husband swara. you can directly look at me. no need to take secret glances.

swara- [stammering] no i.. i ..w...was..n.no..t.

sanskar- then why are you stammering.

swara bit her lower lip being caught and blushed slightly.

swara- sanskar i am sleepy.

sanskar turned her to face him but she was looking downwards.

sanskar- swara don't be nervous because for now i am not going to do anything but will definitely complete this work some other day. now sleep. i have some work, i will finish it.

he kissed her forehead and made her lye on the bed and covered her with blanket. he turned to go but swara held his hand and gestured him to come near him. sanskar sat down beside her and leaned over to listen her. swara slightly moved her body upwards and pecked his forehead and sanskar smiled.

swara- i love you and good night.

sanskar- love you too and good night.

sanskar resume his office work while swara slept.

it was next morning. swara woke up first and saw sanskar embracing her. she smiled and freed herself from his grip. she kissed his forehead.

swara- sanskar i have waited for this day to be with you and feel your love and warmth. i waited to see your smile and love in your eyes. i was broken to see the pain in your eyes but now you are back and i promise i will never let your smile and happiness fade away.

swara caressed his cheeks once and moved to washroom.

after she went sanskar opened his eyes and a tear escaped his eye. he quickly wiped it.

sanskar- i promise you princess that i will fulfil all your wishes and now never let tears come in your eyes. now it's you and your love that i will live for.

done with this episode.

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