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so guys here is the next episode.

in kitchen

uttara- bhabhi. bhai... is bhai alright? i mean he....

swara side hugged uttara

swara- uttara don't worry he is resting and is completely fine.actually he was tired and moreover frustrated and angry on parineeta bhabhi and whatever she told and have done. that's it. you don't worry. ok.

sumi- it's good that he is fine . let's prepare the dinner.

uttara- bhabhi promise me that ever in life you won't leave sanskar bhai whatever the situation may be. he loves you a lot and he needs you the most . not only now but throughout his life in every thick and thin.please be with him always.

swara- uttara you no need to ask me to promise this. but still for your satisfaction i promise you that whatever happens but i will not leave sanskar. you don't need to worry because now your brother is the owner of my life as he himself is my life and one can't live without his/her life.

saying this swara hugged uttara.

this all was seen by sanskar who came to take water but listening to the conversation he was overwhelmed by the love and care he saw for himself in swara, uttara and sumi. he came back to room as he didn,t want them to know that he heard their convo. he thought something deeply and then called someone.

while having dinner

sanskar- i have decided something and if you all agree and trust on me then we can go for it.

swara- [confused] what decision sanskar , what are you talking about.

sanskar- swara as you know that when i was away from the family for 5 years, i started my own buisness. i want to do that again.

swara-[happily] that's good. we are always with you.

sanskar- swara for that we have to leave kolkata and go to mumbai.

everyone shocked.

swara- [stammering] m.. mum..ba..i

sanskar- i know you all are shocked but here i will not be able to do anything as it will be destroyed by aadarsh maheshwari and also because i don't want to be here anymore in this city.but if we move to mumbai there it will be a new environment and i can start my buisness there as i have some contacts there. infact, i have talked to one of my best friends. he belongs to kolkata itself but now he is settled there and infact i only helped him to settle there . initially we will be living in his flat as he lives there alone and then soon i will find a house and we will shift as he will bring his family there after 8-9 months after his father's retirement.so if you all agree then.....

he looked at everyone hopefully and others were silent due to the sudden shocking decision by sanskar.

swara- [breaking the silence] uttara , maa what do you think about this as if you agree then i am fine with sanskar's decision.

sumi - beta ayush . he is here. he may need us. i mean...

at that time they hear ayush crying[ayush is shekhar and sumi's new born sonas you all know] sumi immediately stood up from the chair and went towards the door. she could see ayush in dadi's arms. he was continuously crying. sumi went to dadi's house and was about to enter but was stopped by dadi who bad mouthed her and told her to stay away from ayush and not even dare to enter there house. sumi helplessly went to her houseand was crying for her child.

ayush was crying continuously which made sumi and other's extremely helpless. sumi then decided to enter dadi's house secretly and just see ayush once without anyone's notice. she went to dadi's house and peeked in but what made her shock was dadi's words being spoken to someone on call.

dadi- arre parineeta you should have been here to see how helpless swara and sumi were. they insulted us naa but i took my revenge.i made ayush cry by pinching him and when they heard his crying sound they became restless and came here but i insulted them and didn't allow them to meet ayush. ayush is the key for me to make them beg in front of me. now you see what i will do to them with the help of ayush. sumi will want to meet ayush and for that i will demand swara and sanskar to work for me as servants and will also insult them. you wait and watch the drama.

sumi hearing dadi was shocked and then decided something and went and met ayush secretly and left to dida's house.

sumi came directly to swasan room. she was looking lifeless and was expressionless.

as soon as swara saw sumi she came to her.

swara- maa don't worry. we will not go mumbai. sanskar has said this.

sanskar- yes maa. i became selfish and thought just about our future but forgot about ayush and how you will manage without him. i am so sorry maa.

sumi-[emotionless, expressionless] when have we to go to mumbai.

swasan shocked.

sanskar- maa we aren't going . i am just going to cancel the tickets. you please don't take tension.

sumi- i don't want to live here. i am completely ok with the decision to leave kolkata. this city and the people here just give pain.

swara- maa what happened?

sumi- shona just let's go from here.[she tells everything what she heard and her pov that it's better to go from here for them and for ayush too otherwise dadi will use ayush for her selfish revenge] that's it shona. for me if you can decide to live here then for me leave this city. and sanskar please don't cancel the tickets. we will go from here and you only said me naa that you are my son. so please obey your mother and free her from this pain of living here and seeing her broken family. please.

sanskar- [obliged] ok maa.

sumi- when have we to leave?

sanskar- maa tomorrow morning 5 a.m

sumi- ok i will pack my bags and it's good to leave early.

swasan informed uttara who agreed with the decision and all of them packed there bags. in the morning they left kolkata and started for there new journey, new life in MUMBAI. let's see what this new city gives them and how their new life starts.

don with this episode and will see swasan in mumbai.

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