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recap- last episode swasan breakdown and swara going kali maa temple as the kidnapper messaged swara to come there. swara in kali maa temple.

swara standing before kali maa's idol folding her hands.

swara- [tears oozing out her eyes continuously] maa i beg for my son's life and health. nothing should happen to him. i am ready to do anything for him, just protect him from the evil eyes. he is too small and innocent. he doesn't know the reality and cruelty of world. please keep him safe. a mother is begging you. please fulfill this wish of mine.

while swara was praying a man stood beside her covering his face with shawl.

man- madam come down. there is a taxi waiting for you. be fast if you want your son.

swara opened her eyes and saw the man going from there. she wiped her tears and came down and saw a taxi. she went near the taxi when someone blind folded her. swara was about to scream when the man covered her mouth.

man- don't scream and sit down quitely.

swara sat in the taxi and the taxi started moving.

other side

inspector reached the hotel.

sanskar was tracing swara and swayyam's location. finally he got the location. he was still in his hotel room.

sanskar- sir [risabh] we got the location. let's move

inspector- mr. sanskar you tell us the location we will go. it's not safe for you to go there. it may risk your life.

sanskar- [extremely angry] when my life is there then about which life you are talking. i am going to bring my wife and son back and no one can stop me. you just do your work and be ready with the force. we don't know who they are and what they want and no action until swara and swayyam are safe. i can't risk there life.

inspector- but sir

sanskar- no ifs and but. what i told is final. my first priority is swara and swayyam's safety.

sanskar took his laptop and stood up for moving out when a diary fell from table because of his hand.

sanskar looked at the diary and picked it up.

sanskar- [in mind] whose diary is this. i never saw it in our room before.

sanskar opened the diary and saw his and swara photo on the first page and in capital letters it is written 'ONLY FOR YOU' and turned the page and saw swara's handwriting.

sanskar- [to himself] swara writes diary but from when and why? she never told me about this.

risabh- sanskar we should hurry up.

sanskar- haan

sanskar took the diary along with him too.

sanskar was about to sit in his car when laksh stopped him.

laksh- sanskar i know i don't have rights to interfere and you also won't like it but i want to help you. i mean let me drive. you have not been in kolkata since a long time, so i can be fruitful for you for finding the location.

sanskar thought for a while and then nodded.

sanskar- sir [risabh] you come with police. it will be better and inspector follow us and call more people.

rashika- bhai come fast with cutie and buddy.

sanskar- i will. you take care of yourself and others till i come back.

SWASAN: ONLY FOR YOU [completed]Where stories live. Discover now