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episode starts.

the lady was crying and running. her body was not supporting her but her heart said that she needs to run and reach her family. when her legs give up to move more she sits down on the lonely road to catch her breath and to gather her strength.

she prayed to god to show mercy and help her and was remembering her family crying but it was like god was testing her. after half an hour she saw some shadows approaching her and looked back to see some men coming towards her. she feared and got up and started running but actually she couldn't. she however moved fastly but striked someone and was about to fall when the person she striked held her and made her stand. the lady looked at the person and was shocked and she was scared to hell.

she tried freeing herself but the person held her tightly and his grip became so tight that it started hurting her. she felt disgust by his touch, by his looks.

lady- leave me. let me go. please. you won't get what you want. never ever. please let me go. leave me.

person- [i will depict him mp- mysterious person till i don't reveal his name and identity] how can i leave you. how dare you try to run away. what did you think that you will be successful in running and i won't get to know. after so much time i got you and now i won't let you go like this. never. you have to stay with me and forget about past. you will never go back. remember that and fit it in your mind.

lady- please leave me. let me go. [she was crying]

mp- [wiping her tears with one hand] don't cry and see you are sweating and tired. come back and take rest. you are not well. and you ran so much. you know naa you are weak then why did you do so.

lady- i am not weak. understand that and let go of me. i have a family and they need me. i want to go. leave me.

mp- [angry] i said naa forget them and your past. now come along.

mp dragged the lady and made her sit in a car and drove away back to the house. he took the lady into a room and forcibly made her sit on a chair.

mp- rest and don't dare to go. infact this time i won't give you chance. take rest and don't think much and stop crying. [he wiped her tears caressing her cheeks while she felt disgusted and jerked his hand]

lady- stay away from me.

mp- till when will you keep me away SWARA. just few days , wait for few more days and then i will see how you keep me away from you. now quitely be here and take rest and don't make me angry.

[yes the lady is swara. but who is the man. let's see further]

the man exited the room locking it from outside and appointing two men outside the room. swara ran to the door and beat on it but useless. it was already locked.

swara slided on the door and sat on the floor.

swara- please let me go. please......my family my sanskar will be waiting for me. please.... [again banging the door] you won't get what you want. let me go. i have children they need me. please...... you won't be successful in getting what you want. just let me go from here.

she was crying and banging on the door.

swara- sanskar i failed to come to you. take me from here. please sanskar................. i want to see you, i want to see our children.......how are you all........sanskarrrr.......

swara hugged her knees and started crying arching her head on the door.


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