Broken Ragini

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Raglak  Room;

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Raglak Room;

Ragini is standing near window and looking the moon. She is remembering her deeds with teary eyes how she tried to sepearte Swalak and how she pushed her sister for her so called love,her drama etc. Now she want to make every thing right she can't lakesh his swara back now swara loves sanakar na. She had only word to say every one is that i am sorry for every thing.

Suddenly lakesh come in broking her thoughts.

Lakesh: Ragini i want to talk something important to you.

Ragini weaping her tears without noticing lakesh

Ragini: ha lakesh say.

Lakesh see her sad face by seeing her sad face he also felt bad.

Lakesh: (hesitatilly)ho ragini i love some one.

Ragini's world was shattered hearing this but she don't want to become the old devil ragini who will do any thing for her love.

Ragini: (little smile) who is that girl?

Lakesh shocked to see her reaction by hearing that her love is loving someone else . Lakesh thought was broken by ragini's question.

Ragini: What is her name lakesh?

Lakesh: Kavya, i meet her few months ego she is really nice and i love her (by saying this lakesh was observing ragini's reaction for his surprise or shock she is just smiling hearing this it hurt lakesh for an unknown reason)

Lakesh: you ok na ragini.

Ragini: ya i am ok in fact i am very happy for you lakesh finally you are going to get your love na. And i am ready to give you divorce . I am sorry for every thing i done with you lakesh.

Lakesh: no i am the one who make you devil and i am the one who tried to kill you.

Ragini: Just forgot every thing lakesh

Lakesh: Ragini pls you also move on your life.

Ragini: ya i will surly move on like you.

By saying this she gone to couch for sleeping lakesh is totally shocked to see her behaviour today. Her every word is hurting him now.

Ragini's pov;

How can you say like that to me,you want me to move on na ya i said yes to make you happy now you happy na lakesh(crying silently).Now i will make every thing perfect you don't worry lakesh i will help you to making your family accepting your love kavya.

Precap; Lakesh pov. Ap and ragini conversation.

I know so many ff are written in same track i will not say it is different from others.If you guys want this ff i will continue. If any one is interested?

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