Part 10

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Laksh is in MM and ragini is in badi. Both are thinking about each other. Laksh is remembering ragini's words' i want divorce'. Ragini is remembering laksh words which he said before he fall in love with her ' you are not my type ragini, i love a girl kavya'. Both are standing near their respective window with teary eyes remembering all.

Ragini's side:

She is remembering laksh proposal. Now she know one thing that he loves her so much and he is very possessive towards her. But she is not ready to accept him. She loves him still she can't forget the pain which he always give her,that is enough for her. And Raglak are never made for each other, they are totally opposite. So for her it is better to give divorce to him, he may deserve a good girl who match with him,which he always want. This is also an another reason for her decision.

But the truth is that now laksh want only ragini, when he understand her value in his life she want to stay away from him.

Laksh Pov:

I know that ragini you still love your laksh so much. You are just angry on me, yes i deserve you anger but don't make me away from you. I broke your heart many times for those girls who is never mine and give pain to the girl who is only mine always(he teary eyes now). Ragini just give me one last chance, i will make everything perfect. I will prove my love.

Now both raglak face shows which are teary.

Raglak families are not happy with ragini's divorce decision. They want raglak stay together always.

One day in badi. Dadi trying to convince ragu about her divorce decision.

Dadi: Do you really want divorce laddo??is it your final decision?

Ragini: Ha it my final decision(weeping her tears).

Dadi: ok but you need to accept my one condition.

Ragini:(confused) what condition dadi ma?

Dadi: You need to move on, you need to agree for another marriage.

Ragini:(shock) no dadi ma i can't pls don't force me to do that.

Dadi: Then you love him so much why don't you give him a chance.

Ragini: pls dadi ma i don't want to talk this matter, i am sorry dadi ma now i will not accept your condition.

Before dadi speak further ragini runs to her room with tears.

Precap: Raglak in court.

I am totally confused now,do you want me to stop the story making Raglak together or continue?

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