Part 11

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Raglak are in court for divorce. Both are sitting next to each other. Laksh is looking her with painful eyes,his eyes requesting her to stop everything and come with him. But she ignores him and looked other side. Ragini is trying to show that she don't care about him,but truth is that it is paining her seeing her love in this state. At same time not ready to change her decision.

Judge: Mrs Maheswari do you want divorce?

Ragini:(without looking laksh) yes i want sir.

Judge: What about you Mr Maheswari?

Laksh: (looking straight to her eyes) i don't want divorce sir.

Ragini looked him,laksh continued 'sir don't allow this divorce i want to give a chance to our relation'.

Ragini: But i need divorce sir.

Judge: If you guys mutually agreed for divorce it is easy to get,but now Mr Maheswari is not interested in divorce, so you both need stay together for 4 month. Then also you want divorce i will proceed.

Ragini: Sir i will not going to stay with him.

Judge: You need to Mrs Maheswari, it is court order.

Laksh: Thank you so much sir(he is very happy)

Ragini gives death glare to laksh. But he seems un effected. Both leave from there ragini very sad that why god is always supporting him. She is making cute angry face and cursing the judge in anger for not allowing divorce. Laksh sees her cute angry face he got a smile.

Ragini waiting for an auto, but no one is stopping. Laksh asked her to sit in his car, she avoid him. But laksh is laksh he stopped infrond of her. Now 15 minutes left no one stop auto. Laksh is looking her with his charming smile.

Laksh:(with little attitude)my offer is still available, if you want.

Ragini don't know what to do,but she is not in the mood to argue with him.

Laksh: Come on ragini, we don't have much time. First we need to go badi and pack you things. Don't we want go MM.

Her eyes become big she totally forgot about that she need to stay with him for 4 months. With out any option he get in his car. He smiled widely, he is in driver seat her next to him.

Ragini: i am not coming with you in MM.

Laksh: You need to bacha,because it is court order.

Ragini: I know, but i am not anyone's bacha.

Laksh: Ya you are not anyone's bacha, only laksh's bacha(am i right guys???)

She glared him with her cute angry face. Laksh totally loved his bacha's expression(off course she is our expression Queen).

Laksh: Don't look me like this i will loose my control.

Ragini looked him with an un belife look. Now raglak reached badi without wasting time ragini goes inside her house. Both raglak informed court decision to their family. They got happy hearing this,because they know how much raglak love each other.

Now ragini is packing her staff for going back to MM. Laksh come there.

Laksh: jaldi bacha, need any help from me?

Ragini: no need i will manage(he didn't listen her words he start to pack her staff, because he can't wait so long).

He want to go MM soon with his lovely wife.

Precap: Raglak nok - jok

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