Angry young man

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Kavya meet with lakesh family they don't like kavya there choice is always ragini. After some time gadodyas arrives  swara came she is looking beautiful sanskar was only looking swara. Lakesh eyes searching ragini finally she came wearing the same dress she wear in serial in swasan sungeth she is looking very beautiful like an angel. Lakesh continuesly looking her but some one   near lakesh is also looking her with lots of love it is non other then karthik. he is lost in ragini's beauty.

Swaragini take blessings from everyone ragini totally ignored lakesh every time. That is hurting both raglak. Kavya is also behind lakesh every time calling him baby(actually irritating lakesh) Karthik is following ragini in the whole function. 

Karthik: Lakesh i want ask you something

Lakesh: ha ask

Karthik: Who is that beautiful girl(pointing towards ragini, lakesh looked there and see ragini. Lakesh  get angery on lakesh)

Lakesh: (with anger) Why you asking about her????

Karthik: Pls say her name i think her name must be beautiful like her. She is looking hot

Lakesh is about to shout him kavya come there. Answer karthik question.

Kavya: She is lakesh ex- wife  ragini. She is very cheap girl(actually kavya who is cheap am i right)

Karthik and lakesh become anger hearing her word about ragini.

Lakesh:(angrily) For your kind information our divorce  is not happen  yet  she is my wife now. 

Karthik: Lakesh don't feel bad i must say your stupid to loose a girl like ragini, But i am happy that you guys are going to divorce.

Lakesh leave from there without uttering  a word he don't know if he is angry or jealous.He goes to his room.

 Lakesh pov:

How dare he to say like that he know that she is my wife and what he said she is looking hot how can he look some one wife in that eyes. If he repeat this i will never leave him,I will kill you karthik(he punched his hand in wall in anger it start bleeding)

After some time his anger get cool and first aid  his bleeding hand came to hall where function is going on.All light goes off and spot light shown to a girl who is dancing gracefully she is our beautiful ragini.  

 She is very happy today for her sister ,finally she is going to get her love

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 She is very happy today for her sister ,finally she is going to get her love. Lakesh became very happy to see ragini happy. When he looked towards karthik his smile change in to anger. Ragini is dancing with everyone without noticing anything. Lakesh wan't to punch karthik he is holding his fist but he don't want to create any drama in swasan sangeth. That is why he controling him self. Everyone is dancing lakesh goes towards ragini and dragged her from there without noticing any one.

What  happen next?????

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