Part 17:

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Raglak is in car going back to MM. Ragini is little angry on laksh for flirting with her friends but she very well know that he done that to make her angry still her anger not goes.' kaise shake hand kiya tha don't he have some shame, ho bhi in front his wife. Shame less person' she murmurers in jealous. Laksh is hearing her murmur smiling seeing his possessive wife. They reach in MM with out waiting to laksh she get up from the car and goes inside laksh is trying hard to control his lagh. Ragini now reached in hall swasan and uttara are sitting in hall waiting for raglak to come. They want to know what happen between raglak when they left them in mall. Without talking to any one ragini directly goes to their room swasan and uttara looked each other being confused. Then he notice laksh who coming towards them with a smile. ' What is happening here swara ragini seems anger and this stupid lucky is smiling' sanskar asked being confused swara agreed with him. Now they ask the matter to laksh he said what happened in mall. Swasan and uttara looked him with shock.'Bhai are you mad, instead of making her realize your love you made her jealous' uttara said. 'oh my uttu i am not mad see na how much she got jealous seeing me with her friends, do you guys know what that means' laksh asked with smile they nod know.'I t means she loves me so much, so know i have full faith in my love she will soon accept me and my love' he says proudly. Swasan and Uttara smiled hearing this and preyed good to make raglak together forever.


As days pass ragini's anger on laksh decrease now she very well know that he loves her so much and cares for her. But she still shows her anger on him because her ego didn't allow her.

One day while cutting vegetables she got a wound in her hands,because of the wounds she is not able to eat. In dinning table every one is having there dinner raglak sitting next to each other no one know about the wounds in her hand. Every one is having food but ragini is sitting there silently laksh notice this and start to ask why she is not eating before his ma ask. 'Ragini beta why are you not eating' Ap asked laksh looked her again now sees her wounds he got worried. 'I not feeling hungry ma' saying this she get up from there and goes to raglak room. Laksh looked her and also get up from there and follow ragini with out having his food.

Actually ragini is feeling hungry but she is not able to eat because of her wounds so she sit in their bed controlling her hungry. Laksh come there holding a plate in his hand and place it on table and goes towards drawer to take first aid box and sit next to her. He take her hand in his hand and start to blow air on her wounds. She tried to take her hands back, but laksh is laksh so she give up. He is first adding her wounds ragini is looking him, his eyes shows so much love and care for her. When he looked her she looked other side. After finishing that work he goes to the table and take the plate and again sit next to her. He forward her food with his own hands. 'I don't want' she said stubborn and get up from the bed and start to go outside.'Then kkk i also don't want food' he also said being stubborn. Hearing this she stopped and looked him back who is sitting in bed holding the food still. 'Give me food,i am hungry' she said to him, now his face lighten up. He forward her food she eat like a good girl 'now your turn' she pointed him to have food he eat happily like this raglak complete their dinner.

Laksh is happy to see his wife care how much she shows anger on him,but she is still his caring and sweet ragini who loves her laksh so much.

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