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Karthik pov:

Today i will confess my feelings towards ragini. It is love at first sight. Laksh is so stupid that he divorce a sweet girl like her for my sis. But i am happy that they got divorce.That's why i got a chance to express my love.

Ragini is busy with some work karthik come there.

Karthik: Hai ragini.

Ragini:(not looking towards him,she is not interested to talk with him)hai.

Karthik: I am kavya's bro karthik(ragini nod)i want to talk to you alone. Don't you mind pls come with me outside.

Ragini: if you want to talk,say here i am not coming any where.

Karthik: i just wanted to say that i love you.

Ragini shocked hearing this,she just stand there with out answering. Some one standing there watching the whole scene. His eyes are red due to anger and rage. He is our laksh. Karthik come close to ragini,he tried to hold her and touch her. Before ragini react towards him our laksh punched him in his face. Ragini 's words are running in his mind'i will surly move on laksh' that words have large impact on laksh now. He is in the fear to loose his love. How dare that karthik to tried to touch my ragini he thoughts and beat him continuously.

Ragini is to much angry on karthik, she want to slap him for trying to touch her. Any men have the right to touch ragini except her laksh. but before she react her laksh reacted. Laksh is beating him non stop. She want stop laksh now other ways that karthik may die.

Laksh: How dare you karthik to propose my ragini. She is my wife you tried to touch her with this hands na(twisting his hands karthik is shouting in pain)

Laksh can't control his anger. Ragini tried to control him but don't work. He dragged karthik towards hall holding his collar. Everyone is shocked to see lakesh behavior.

Precap: Evil brother and sister.

What you guys think i make Ragkar, i was just kidding you guys.It is only our Raglak.

Hope you guys get happy reading this part. Do you want ragini accept laksh soon or he need to suffer more. Write your comments guys.

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