Part 19

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Laksh keep distance from ragini thinking that she needs time to forget the pain he gives to her. But ragini didn't like he is staying away from her. Both are equally hurt by their distance. One day evening every man come from office except laksh. Now it turn night laksh didn't come yet, ragini got worried for him her fear increases as time passes. She goes to swasan room and asked about laksh to sanskar. 'Don't worry ragini he may be busy with some work, you go and sleep he will come soon' sanskar said. Ragini goes to hall and sit there waiting for her husband. She tried his phone many times but it is switched off. She got worried now her eyes start to become teary. Now the door got open slowly one person start to come towards her slowly her teary eyes start to shine her lips got small smile it got brighter when the person stand next to her. The person is her laksh seeing him she got relived.

She run towards him and hugged. She sobbed in his chest' laksh why are you doing this me,where you gone,do you know how much i got worried for you'she sobbed his shirt become wet due to her tears. He weep her tears and console her'ragini don't cry bacha now i am here na. i had some work pending in office that's why i got late and on the way my car broke down phone better also dead. Now like a good stop crying'. She got relief after hearing him then slowly she realize their position as they both forgot about that they didn't talk with each other. She start move away from him but laksh stop her holding her wrist and come in front of her.

Laksh:(with tears) ragini i know you loves me more than anything in the world. I stayed so long     from you thinking that you need time but not now. I am fed up with all i need you badly so stop this angry drama it's hurting both of us. I know you also get pain seeing me in pain just give me a last chance to prove my love.

Ragini looked him with teary eyes,yes he is saying the truth that she loves him so much. She is just acting like she is angry on him. Now she can't act more. She hugged him and he hugged her back.

Ragini: I am sorry for hurting you laksh..

Laksh place his hands in her lips for stopping her saying further.

Laksh: No more sorry and tears ragini(he take her in his arms in  bridal style,she looked him with shock expression,he smiled naughtily)

Raglak reached there room and he make her sit in bed and he sit next to her,

Laksh: Ragini do you eat anything?(with concern).

Ragini nod no,and asked him as he had anything. He also nod no'i will go and take food for you' by saying she start to go but laksh stopped him and make her sit in bed.'You sit her like a good girl i will go and take food for us' he said and goes to kitchen.

After some time laksh come back with one plate food. Ragini looked him with confusion.

Ragini: Laksh it is only one plate na? we are two na?

Laksh: Ha it is one, but we can share na now we are raglak na(she nod happily with happy tears).

Laksh weep her tears and feed her same as ragini. Both eat like this.


Ragini standing near the window looking at the moon laksh come near to her and back hugged her placing his chin on her shoulder. He kissed on her both cheeks she blushed by his move. He make her look at him both share beautiful eyelock. Both are coming close to each other laksh start to move towards her lips she closed her eyes in shy suddenly he stopped ragini opened her eyes not feeling his touch. He cupped her face'i want to start our life newly' laksh said. Ragini looked him with happy she also want to start their life fresh.' So tomorrow we are going to court to cancel our divorce' he said smilingly, she nod. He take her in his arms and place her bed and sleep next to her. He dragged her close to him, she fall in his chest she smiled. 'Ragini you forgot something' laksh said to her in a teasing way. Ragini looked him with her frown eyes' i mean you forget your pillow border ' he teased. 'Now no need that hubby because now i know my laksh loves me truly and i trust you' she said proudly. Laksh got happy tears hearing her words because after so much of struggle he got his love back his ragini is back to him. Ragini weep his tears and hugged him. Soon both dozed off in each other embrace.

Guys this ff is going to end, how was this part?????

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