Changing feelings

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Ragini reached badi ragini said her decision to everyone that she and lakesh  is going to divorce. Dadi shouted  to her for destroying her own life. After lot of struggle she convinced her dadi in fact she is her laddo na.

Ragini's room;

She is back to her house now she once again  became the old  laddo.

Ragini's pov:

Every thing is started with me yes i started every thing. Now every thing is finished. Now i will live for my family who supported me every time and about lakesh i loved him truly  loves him some much lived in the hope that he will love me back one day but i was wrong . I Ragini Gadoddiya loved only one guy in my life he is you lakesh only you i can't replace you with any one lakesh why are you not understanding my lakesh why(she cried her heart out by holding his pic). She control her emotion in the fast two   weeks  now she can't . She sleep with her crying face.

Lakesh Room:         

Lakesh is standing near the window and remembering  ragini's words 'he never love me, he loves kavya. I wanted to leave from this unwanted relation.'

Lakesh pov;

Why her sadness is hurting me, why her are hurting me, when she left house why i feeling sad. Why seeing her without sindoor and mangalsuthr i felt she is incomplete without those. Why see sign the divorce paper if its easy for her why it is difficult for me. Why i searching her every where now a days.(like thousands of questions are running in his mind but he  not get any answer). 

Next day

Today is swasan sungeth function is going to held.(Swasan marriage is going to held so she is gone to badi) Sanskar is sitting in his chair waiting his girl to come every one seems very happy except one who is our hero lakesh he seems missing some one he standing in a corner looking towards the entrance eagerly waiting for some one. Suddenly someone hugged him  from back her face is shown she is kavya(lakesh so called girl friend).

Kavya: Surprise baby.

Lakesh: (Not interested tone) what are you doing here?

Kavya: I am come to your bhai's sungeth your bhai is my bhai na(She is not invied to this function but she came shame less girl na).

Lakesh: (just nod with a fake smile)

Kavya: You have another surprise

Lakesh: what?

Kavya dragged him towards some where holding his hand lakesh is trying ot free her hands. One person is standing there his face is shown he is karthik. Kavya's brother. 

Kavya: Lakesh he is karthik my brother

Lakesh: Lakesh Maheswari, nice to meet you.

Karthik: same to you, vaise your are looking very sad what is the matter i think you missed  your love my sis na?

Lakesh: (in mind) yes i missed ragini.

Kavya: Lakesh when is our marriage now you got divorce na?

Lakesh is shocked by hearing their marriage ragini signed the divorce paper but he is not signed yet.

Lakesh: We have so much time kavya, we will talk about this later.

Kavya: I can't wait no more lakesh

lakesh tried to divert her mind by something. Kavya dragged him some where lakesh have no interest  in this his  mind is some where else. He is thinking about ragini.

Precap: Angry lakesh

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