Emotional talk

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Lakesh pov;

Ma is right ragini is totally changed now she become the old innocent ragini who only want others happiness.But how can she say that she will move on off course if you can why not her. I am that the old ragini is back.But why her behavior hurting me why is she see happy to hear my love for kavya if she is not loving me now.

Next day morning raglak room.

Ragini  is wearing her old salwar suit with no magalasutr  and sindoor

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Ragini  is wearing her old salwar suit with no magalasutr  and sindoor.Like every time she is looking very beautiful.  

Lakesh is mesmerized to see her then he notice that she is not wearing her magalasutr and sindoor she is looking in complete without those.

Lakesh : Ragini why are you wearing this salwar where is your sari and why are you not apply your sindoor and where is your mangalasutr?

Ragini: When there is is no meaning in our relation what is the need of wearing those. So need of this na(she hand over her mangalasutr to lakesh) i am not the one who deserve this(by saying see leaves).

Lakesh is shocked by her action and sad also  he looked the mangalasutr sadly and kept it in his shelf safely . 

Ap room

Ragini standing outside Ap room .Ap  see ragini and asked her to come inside the room.she come.

Ap : kya bath hae beta you looking sad(then she notice that ragini is her old look no sindoor and mangalasutr) beta where is your mangalasutr ? and why this dress.

Ragini is answering she is crying she hugged ap tightly ragini is crying in her embrace.

Ragini : Ma lakesh will never love me he is loving some other girl.

Ap(shocked): What are you saying beta. 

Ragini : It is the truth ma now i want him happy so i decided to divorce him.Then what is the need to this mangalustr all na ma

AP is also crying

Ap: no beta i will talk to lakesh.

Ragini: no pls ma lakesh will be happy with his love.

Ap: what about you beta.

Ragini: Now i will leave for my family ma.

Ap: I am sorry ragini what my beta done to you(holding her hands)

Ragini :No ma you  are the one who always understand me.

Both hugged  each other tears are rolling from both of eyes.

Raglak room;

Lakesh is doing some work in his laptop ragini came with his tea.

Ragini: Lakesh your tea(she kept it in table)

Lakesh : Thank you ragini.

Ragini nod. Ragini  goes towards her shelf she wants to take her suitcase that kept in hight she take a stole and stand to take her suitcase ragini didn't notice that the stole is not standing proper lakesh notice this before she fall lakesh hold her she is in his arms. Raglak share a beautiful eye lock they are lost in each other eyes .  After sometime ragini come in to sense she brought lakesh from his world. Lakesh makes her stand proper.      

Lakesh(concerned) : Are you ok?

Ragini: ya

Lakesh : You need to be care full na,why are you taking your suitcase now?

Ragini: (surprised to see his concern) Actually i said ma about your and kavys relation she  had no problem with that i thought to leave this house soon as possible. 

Lakesh: Kya?? i mean why are you leaving so soon,in fact swasan marriage is going to happen na, and we are not divoced  yet.I have no problem you staying here for some days.

Ragini: I need to go one day na,it is better to everyone that if i will leave soon and about divorce i forgot to hand over the divorce paper to you(by saying she gone near her shelf and take some file and hand over it to lakesh) our divorce paper i signed it and you also sign.(actually she is crying now she cant control her self).

Lakesh also felt sad he also see ragini's tearing face. He is diploma in now one side he is effected by her tears her every action is   hurting him other side he want to marry his love kavya.

Precap: Ragini ignoring lakesh,Ragini going baddi.

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