Part 12

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Raglak reached MM, Ap welcomed them like newly wedded couple. Ragini is only angry on laksh not his family members.

In Hall:

Ragini talking with everyone except laksh. He is so sad to see her ignorance it hurt him so much. Sanskar notice his sad face, he kept his one hand on laksh shoulder and assure him that everything will be alright. Laksh nod with a smile he had also that hope. Now a days he living with this hope.

Night Raglak Room:

Laksh is standing near window and thinking plans to patch up with ragini. Ragini come to the room she is wearing a simple sari. Laksh notice her and about to come near her but she start to avoid him he stand there seeing her expression.

Ragini is making bed for sleep, laksh come there to sleep but she stops him.

Ragini: Laksh you are not going to sleep here.

Laksh: Why ragini it is my bed.

Ragini: ha this is your bed, but we are not going to share this bed.

Laksh: I don't care i will sleep here.

Ragini: Then ok you sleep your bed i will sleep in sofa(she start to go towards sofa,but he stops her)

Laksh: No need i will sleep in sofa you sleep here(pointing the bed).

Laksh is now sitting in sofa then some plan come to his mind. He take the jug of water and start to pour water in glass, instead of pouring water in glass he pour in sofa. He down this intensely. Now he start his act.

Laksh: Oh no(get up from sofa with a jerk, and trying to get ragini's attention)where will i sleep now(ragini looked him) my sofa got wet.

Ragini: What happen? how sofa got wet?

Laksh:(acting as innocent) Accidentally water fall in sofa from my hand. You don't worry ragini i will sleep in floor, you sleep.

Now ragini felt bad for him how will she allow her laksh to sleep in floor.

Ragini: No need to sleep in floor,come you can sleep in bed(laksh got a million dollar smile,she didn't notice this).

Laksh: No need ragini, i will manage.

Ragini: I said na you can sleep in bed, now come on.

Laksh come there. Ragini start to make to sides in bed with pillows, like boundary.

Laksh: Ragini what is this(pointing the boundary created by her).

Ragini: Now you can sleep in left side,and don't try to cross this limit(pointing the pillow)

Laksh Mind Voice: You him self will takeaway all this barrier between us. Then we will start our new life(dreaming that he start to smile like a mad).

Ragini snapped her fingers in his face and brought him back from his thought.

Ragini: Hello now sleep(she goes to her side,laksh also goes to his side).

Laksh is looking ragini but she is showing her back. Not facing him.

Precap: Laksh is trying to go close with Ragini

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