Part 18: Her Pain

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Seeing no progress in raglak relation their family members thought to give them some privacy. They make a plan that they are going for some trips leaving raglak in MM, they choose a date when laksh can't come with them as he have some important meetings. AP said ragini to stay with her husband being a good daughter in law. Laksh is very happy to know about his family trip,yupee he got a golden opportunity to spend time with his wife with out any disturbance he and his beautiful wife. Little bit he knows that his wife is not much anger on him as before as she is become little soft to him as now a days. Taking this a good sign he thought to propose her. It has been two days that their family members left to trip ragini was very sad that she felt alone as laksh need to go office na. She notice her husband he seems very happy in the days it is sure that something is running in his mind.Now laksh is free as his all meetings are finished he planned to propose her in grant way.


It has been to days as everyone left i was so bored in this house. I sees some change in laksh behavior he seems very excited, excited for what?? i got confused. It was night i was waiting for laksh i am alone in house as servants are in leave. Suddenly all light goes off i got feared start to sweat badly. Thank good i got a candle and lighten up them and goes to hall. 'Laksh pls come soon' i mutter in fear. As i was stepping forward with fear suddenly all light got on and some rose petals are falling on me literally i loved that. I was shocked to see the all scene in frond of me. The whole MM is decorated with lights and heart shaped balloons. Then i sees my handsome husband coming towards me he is looking me intensely. For a second i forgot my all ego,anger and pain. I always dreamed this scene with laksh now it comes true.He kneels in front of me and hold my hand and kissed gently i blushed for his that action. He gives me rose bouquet it was so beautiful i loved that so much and he proposed me saying that he can't live with out some happy tears come from my eyes hearing his those words. Soon i remembers his old fake proposal and his betrayal and my eyes is now filled with tears which is not happy tears which is the tears of hurt,and pain. I take my hands back from him the bouquet which he gives me also fall from my hands. i don't know why i well not able to accept his proposal only his betrayal is running in my mind that time. I really want to give him a chance and move on with him because i love him. But the memories of his betrayal stopped me so i run to our room leaving him in a broken state i know he must be hurt and sad to see my reaction but i am also in a broken state so i avoid him and goes.


I take so much effort to propose her, because i want every thing must be perfect. I want see her beautiful smile. Soon the lights goes of she come to hall with a candle i sees her feared and sweat face i felt bad for making her fear i just wanted to go near her and hug her and want to say i am here for her always. But i stopped myself because if i done so my all plan got failed. Then i switch on all lights and looked her shocked face which very soon turn a beautiful smile a also got a smile seeing her smile and walked forward to her. Kneels in front of her and take her hands and kissed gently i don't forgot to notice her blushing face when i done so. Then i got more hope seeing her happy face i hope that every thing must be perfect. But soon everything got shattered when i proposed her i sees her expression is changing i understand seeing her face that she must be remembering my fake proposal and betrayal i also got tears remembering that if that all hurting me this much she must be in so much pain. I very well understand her state know our bitter past is hurting her so much. He want arise all the bitter memories which are in her heart and want to give her new memories which only gives her happiness. She left to room leaving me alone in hall, i notice her eyes which looking me with tears it must be hurting her seeing me in pain. We both are in same condition now. Now i realize that she must need more time to arise the pain which i give to her. So i thought to give her time as much she need but i have full faith that she will be always mine.

After that day i start to avoid her it is not like that i was angry on her for not accepting my proposal. I just wanted to give her some time. It is difficult for me to avoid her but i did.


Ragini is sad to see his ignorance she thought that he is avoiding her for not accepting his proposal. Staying away from each other is hurting both. She want to talk with him but feared as she don't know how will he response. He also want to talk with her and take away her all pain but stopped thinking that she needs time. Poor boy he don't know that he is hurting her more ignoring her.

Maheswari's are back and they thought that everything must be clear between raglak. But they are wrong instead of coming close to each other they goes far from each other. There plan got failed those guys are confused and sad to think that how will they make raglak together for always.

Precap: It is the time to make raglak together.

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