Part 14

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Laksh is in garden looking the sky sadly. He is remembering ragini's words she is right every time he gives only pain to her. He is the reason for her all pain,and broke her heart and trust many times. He remembers the all incidents starting from their first meeting and he breaking her heart for kavya. Both raglak want to start their new life which exist only pure love but their past not allowing them to move on. Laksh cried his heart out remembering the crime he done to her. Sanskar come there and see his brother state, laksh hugged his bhai and cried in his shoulder. He don't know how to console his lucky,but he can't see him like this.

Sanskar: Lucky what happen? why are you crying?

Laksh: Bhai i am the reason for her pain,i deserve her punishment.

Sanskar understand he is talking about whom. Sanskar tried to calm him,he make him sit in bench and sit beside him.

Sanskar: Ha laksh i know you are the reason for ragini's pain(laksh got more tears, sanskar is saying the truth but now that truth is hurting him so much)But now you realize your mistake and you really loves her na(laksh nod) then give her some time,she needs time to believe you once again. One day she will surly understand your love.

Laksh:(weeping his tears,and with a hope)really bhai,she will understand my love,she will forgive me.

Sanskar: Ha lucky do you know why because she loves laksh so much.

Laksh happily hugged his brother,who give him confidence that he will soon get his ragini's love back. Both share a brotherly hug.

In dinning table.

Every males is having break fast and their wives are serving,except our laksh he didn't come yet for break fast. Ragini looked towards the direction of raglak room, he is in room. 'Why is not he coming,is i said to much to him that why he is not coming' ragini thought. Then she sees her husband coming down with his charming smile. He greeted every one and pass a sweet smile to his wife.'Why is smiling now is he understand what i said him in morning.If he don't feel bad' She thought.

Laksh sit next to AP,she asked ragini to serve food to laksh. Ragini nod and goes near laksh and start to serve him without looking at him. But laksh is busy with staring her. Now she finish serving and goes to other side and stand next to Pari.

Sujatha: Oh chori you forget to serve him his favourate halwa. You made it specially for him na(asked to ragini) serve him na.

Laksh looked ragini in a questioning way is it really made by you for me. Ragini avoid eye lock between him and said.

Ragini: Chachi it is not made by me, it's made by Swara(swara is having food, she chocked and looked ragini with what expression. Ragini requested her to say yes though her eyes).

Swara:(she look ragini un believably and said) Ha ma it is not made by ragini i made the halwa. This halwa is my favorate also so i thought to make.

Now ragini felt relived because she don't want laksh to know that it is specially made by her for him. She don't want him to know that she is still care for him and love him.

She handed the halwa bowl to Pari asked her to serve laksh and goes to kitchen saying that she had some work left to do. Pari served the halwa to laksh.

Laksh have no interest to have the halwa after knowing that it is not made by his wife for him, he start to eat the halwa with un interest. But after tasting the that he got a smile in his lips.

Laksh pov:

How much you tried to show that you don't love me and care me.But i know you still love me more than anything and care for me. Now you are angry on me you have the right to angry on me. After tasting the halwa i find out that it is not made by swara,it is made by you for me. Same time you are angry on me and same times care for me, i love you ragini i love you so much. I will surly win your heart. I have full faith in my love.

My which ff you guys want next 'Pyar ho ghaya' or 'Its all my mistake' comment guys.

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