Part 21

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It has been only two hour she reached Badi,in this time laksh called her more then 10 times asking if she had food,or she is OK.It is clearly shows his care for her,and he is missing her so much same as her.

Night Maheswari Mansion:

Everyone one is having food but our hero is lost in some where, swasan notice him and understand that he is dreaming about his wife.They thought to tease him.

Sanskar: Lucky where are you lost(he asked in a teasing manner swara also joined him).

Swara: Sanskar my devarji is dreaming about my sweet sister.

Laksh blushed by there comment.Yes he is dreaming about his beautiful wife and there future.

On the other side ragini is  thinking about laksh and talking with his photo. They are missing each other.


Now the time is 11pm but our raglak didn't get sleep. Finally he ended up with dialling her number ragini lift the call in one ring it seems that she waiting for his call.

Laksh:hello ragini.

Ragini: (she tried to act sleepy and not interested for teasing him)aha laksh say why you called me this time.

Laksh:(he understands that she is trying to tease him)oh then OK good night, I cut the call(he said that to hear her reaction).

Ragini: no no I am not sleepy,no need to cut the call.

Laksh: it seems that someone is egger to talk to me(he tease).

Ragini:(blush) ya same like you.

Like this raglak talked hours and finally sleep dreaming about each other. They are becoming crazy for each other.

************************************** ******************

One day passed it become hard for raglak to stay away from each other. Ragini is going to Temple with dadi,suddenly some one dragged her other side without anyone notice.Ragini got fear but her fear vanish soon when she see the person who dragged her,it is no one her lovely husband ragini.They are standing very close to each other her hands is in his chest and his hands are her waist. She is looking him with surprise and confusion but our laksh is looking her lovingly.

Ragini: laksh what are you doing here?And why you dragged me like this?

Laksh: Ragini when you become  question Bank. Calm down my sweet wife.

Ragini: laksh if dadi see us together.

Laksh:(he dragged her more close to him) what you think about your hus don't you know I am very intelligent,no one is going to see us. Your sister will manage everything.

 Ragini looked her husband in disbelief.

Laksh: now can I spend some time with my could be cute wife.


After one week of speration raglak is going to become one. Today is there marriage raglak is happy excited and so much of emotion which can't be express. Badi is decorated like a bride  and everyone is busy for marriage preparation. In her room Ragini is getting ready swara and Ragini's friends are making her ready they never leave a chance to tease our angle.She is wearing a brown color simple lehenga which is selected by laksh.

Ragini is looking like heavenly beauty in that dress and she is continuously blushing by her friends comments.

Other side our hero is getting ready Sanskar and Adarsh are helping laksh to get ready he is wearing a brown sherwani matching with his lady love. His lips have a million dollar smile which shows how much he was waited for this day and how much he is happy now. Finally everything is going to solve a great life is waiting for our raglak.

Precap: raglak marriage,last part.

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