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mahswhari  mansion;

Dining table:

Everyone is having there break fast. Lakesh is looking ragini towards she seems very sad but ragini is giving any dam look to lakesh she is having her break fast. Ap is very angery on lakesh off course of   his decision. Only three peoples no raglak divorce one is ap and other is our raglak others are aware of this.

Sujtha : chori where is your mangalasuthr ?

Ragini looked towards sujtha she was about to answer ap answerd

Ap : (looking towards lakesh angrily)  what is the need to wear those sujtha if there is no meaning in this.

every one is shocked by ap's answer.

Sujtha: par jiji.

Ap: (trying to cover up) i mean that  we no na she is our bahu so if she not like to wear that is her choice na

every one node confusingly but lakesh understand what her ma mean.

The same night  dining table.

Every one having her dinner one is missing  it is our ragini. Lakesh searching ragini he thought that she  is in kitchen he wait for some time  but ragini not come. Finally lakesh  thought to ask some one.

Lakesh: Swara where is ragini?

Swara: she is your room

Lakesh: She have her dinner

Swara: Actually no lakesh i called her many times she said that she is not hunger

Lakesh: OK

Sujtha: Lakesh he lo (handed him a bool of rasagulla,his favorite) 

Lakesh : wow Rasgulla(excitedly) is this made ragini?

Sujtha: No lakesh  swara made this

Lakesh: (sad) No chachi i not hungry now(by saying this he gone to his room) 

Sujtha: What happen him suddenly

Raglak Room

Lakesh entered raglak room found she is sleeping in couch. He want to ask why  she not take her dinner but some thing stop him he goes to sleep.

Next day morning 

Lakesh woke with a hope that he will  talk with ragini today. But for his surprise she was not there he searched her every where in their room he can't find her  but he find her suitcase and her dress are not in wardrobe. If she is going badi now why she is in hurry  he thought. He freshen up and go to down stairs in the hope that he will find her there.  Every one is having break fast except one is missing his eyes is continusly  searching her. But she is not finding  one girl who is always behind him for completing her wife duty now not giving any dam look to him. Lakesh was about to ask about ragini before sujatha.

Sujatha :  Swara where is ragini?

Swara: Ma she goes to temple.

Lakesh felt little  relief hearing this. Ragini came from that time ap notice ragini. Ap asked her to take her break fast  she refused saying that she had some work in room by saying she goes to room. Lakesh looked towards the direction she was going. After some time she came with her  suitcase. Every one is looking at her with a questioning look except two they are ap and lakesh they know what is going to happen now.

Ragini : I want to talk to you all

Sujatha: What you want to say ragini?

Ragini : i am going to badi cachi

Sujatha: mathlab?

Ragini: me and lakesh are going to divoce  lakesh love a girl named kavya he want to marry her so i am giving him divorce.

Swara: What are you saying ragini. How can you do this to her lakesh( looking towards lakesh).

Ragini: No swara he has done anything wrong now in fact  he down a great job saying the truth i am very glad that he not ply with my emotion now.

Dp : (ANGERY) lakesh what is all this

Lakesh is about to answer ragini interpret .

Ragini: no papa he had down any thing wrong  i also want relief  from this forced relation(she is crying by saying this). 

lakesh is hearing this with closed eyes he remembered how he treat her in the name his love for swara now for kavya. Ragini once again ask forgivenss for her tears everyone is sad for the innocent soul. She leave from MM with some beautiful memories and some bad memories. It is enough for her to live her new life. Lakesh looked towards the way she gone he felt that something close to his  heart is going  away.

Precap: The old  laddo is back ,lakesh missing some one.

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