Part 9

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Sanskar trying to control laksh. Ragini is crying all while.

Sanskar: Laksh live him,he will die.( laksh don't stop beating karthik)

Laksh: How dare he bhai,he proposed my ragini.

Every one is surprised and shocked by his statement 'my ragini'. Ragini had happy tears in her eyes hearing his words. Laksh is continusly beating karthik like a mad. Kavya come there and tried to stop him.

Kavya: laksh live my brother,what are you doing.

Laksh: Live here from with your brother,don't show your and your brother face again(like a warning)

Kavya: What are you saying baby,how can you say like that you loves me na?(she tried to hug him,but he pushed her)

Laksh: I don't love you.I only love my wife ragini, it is my mistake consider you as my love. Now i am very well know the truth that you loves my money not me. Just live from here with your bro.

Kavya: Oh that means now you knew about my plan, you beat my bro for this girl na(pointing towards ragini) i will not let you live with this girl(by saying this she took a knife and goes towards ragini,she was about stab her laksh come in middle stop her, slap her hard that she fall on floor).

Laksh: (dangerous tone) Don't dare to touch her.(goes towards ragini) ragini you ok na(with care)

Ragini just nod and stood there, she is in shock she never watched laksh with to much anger. Ragini see a new laksh there who is cared for her who is possessive for her.

All this scene is watched by karthik, who is still weak but any one notice he stand up from the floor and tried to hurt laksh from back, sanskar notice this he saved laksh from karthik. Now ragini is worried for laksh. She want to ask him if he is fine but stop in middle.

After all this drama police arrested the evil sister and brother for murder attempt. Now gadodiyas and maheswaries are left in badi.

Laksh goes towards ragini asked sorry to her for his behavior towards her. Proposed her before every one, she wished this movement for long but now she is not in the state to accept him. His betrayals stop her to accept the proposal, she remembers how he broke her heart saying he loves her sister, stopping their marriage,his hate towards her, he is saying he loves kavya and her madness for him. Every thing stop her,she don't want to feel the same pain. Ragini is standing there with teary eyes, she step back ward now laksh is looking her with teary eyes.

Ragini: (Painfully) i don't want you i my life laksh, i don't want to live with you(she is feared now if laksh again cheat her, she don't want to feel the same pain that's why she saying all it does't mean that she don't love her laksh).

Laksh: (Tears are non stop rolling from his eyes after hearing her words) Ragini pls one last chance. We are still husband and wife our divorce not happen yet,pls give a chance to our marriage. Lastly i fail in a husband role,but this time i want to do my all duties.

Every one is trying to convince ragini, but she sees un effected.

Ragini: I want divorce laksh.

Every one looked ragini with a shock expression. Laksh whole world got shattered he seems life less.

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