Ice cream i scream

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"Welp let's go get ice cream." he smirked and sped down the road. I smiled at the memory of us when joe first got his license and even before then when we would go to a small ice cream parlour.

We ordered our ice cream and sat outside where it was warm and sunny.

"So how's life?" I broke the silence.


"Eh? that's all you have to say?"

"Eh" he smirked knowing he was getting on my nerves.

"Fine then...-" I hesitated, "so why can't I see Luke any more?"

"My god Nicole let it go!" he groaned leaning his head back.

"No. I wanna know why. what did he steal your girlfriend or is he in a gang that's after me or -or is he an alien after my brains?" I laughed holding my stomach. joe's face was solid. shit. he's being serious. I stopped laughing and sighed. "c'mon tell meh" I whined.

"Our families just don't get along"

"What ya mean he had dinner with us and everybody was fine"

"That's what you think." he blew out a breath of air leaning back into his seat. "mom was fine because she didn't realise it was him. dad had a feeling but I knew that's why I stormed off"

at this point I was very confused.

"What do you mean joe. god just spit it out"

"Jesus Nicole! Do I have to draw a fucking picture!?" he raised his voice. I looked at him with a 'duh' face and nodded my head.

He groaned and started. "you know how dads gone all the time and how a couple years ago I started working for him?" I nodded.

"and dad always said it was a family business. well turns out it was a business of basically dealing cars drugs and money."

I places my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing "so like a gang? or mobster?" I laughed.

"This is serious Nicole. now shut up and let me Finnish." he face still solid. I help my hands up in surrendered until he was done with story time.

"Dad taught me everything and everyone. He told me about his enemies. and allies. on the "list"of allies were the last names hemmings, hood, irwin, and clifford. I was told they were no longer allies but enemies. I had thought I heard the names before but I wasn't sure. dad told me that those families made one of our biggest rivals. I found out they had kids. dad warned me that they might go to school with you. So I did a bit of research. he was right and the other night when you and Luke left I confronted dad and told him who he was. he said he knew. said "looked just like his father" he told me not to tell you or mention it to Luke because there could be a possibility he wouldn't know. and I don't care what dad says I don't trust you with him you must stay always from him." he finally finished with all seriousness in his voice.

"Okay..." I chuckled "that all?"

"It's not funny Nicole." he stopped for a second, "oh and dad told me what happened between us the shitty others..a year after I was born dad met a woman. her name was Ann Irwin. they had a summer fling. she had already had a son the boy's father left when he was young and dad filled in that gap for a bit then she found out she was pregnant. he couldn't risk mom finding out about that. but he had an idea. mom was already expecting so when it was delivery time he found out Ann was also delivering." he cleared his throat.this was clearly uncomfortable for him. I couldn't help but listen not sure if what I was hearing was true or not.

more than likely not I mean it's joe.

"Since dad's a powerful man he asked the doc to put both women under while mom had a miscarriage. Ann didn't. she delivered a baby girl. Ann wasn't fully out yet when dad walked in and took the baby. when she gained total consciousness she was told she had a miscarriage. she wouldn't have it. she knew. but mom had no idea. Ann wouldn't let it go she told her friend one of the hoods and cliffords and the hemmings family, who decided to form the gang we all hate. they swore they would come after the baby no matter what and make dad burn in hell for the things he did to ann. as the years passed it died down a bit then. you brought Luke home and looked into it a bit. Thinking about the old stories and names I heard. and here we are now."

"I'm still not following why I can't talk to him" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nicole. you were the baby."

(A/N ok soooo sorrryyyy guys if this chap sucked ass but hopefully the next chap will be better and pleaseeeee keep reading and voting!! Yey! love you lots!!!!)

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