What happens now?

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(A/N happy memorial day!!!!! it's officially summer yassssss meaning I will be able to update more!!!! anywhore here's an update! Yayyyy!!!!)

"M-mom?" I choked out fully letting my tears stream out my face. The word was familiar but it was so foreign at the same time. I couldn't handle all of this. it was too much.

She tried to engulf me in a hug. but I couldn't. I took a step back. I wasn't ready for all of this. Joe and Luke were right. I ran out of the room before I could hear her shouts. I ran down the stairs passing the boys and not caring about them seeing me cry.

I rushed out the door and down the street.

Why was I even running in the first place?

I stopped running and looked around me. wiping my tears of my face I realized I was at the near by kids park. I walked over to the kids' swings.

why can things go back to the way things were?

When boys had cooties and the biggest drama was over who took my crayons

Not this whole making out with my half brother and finding out I have a new and biological mother.

I placed my head in my hands. this was all too much.

But I just couldn't help but think,

What happens now?

Do I move out and move in with ann?

what happens between me and ashton?

Why did I call her mom?

What happens now?

I heard crunching of leaves behind me. I stayed still. It was probably a squirrel.

At least that's what I thought It was until i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Brinley?" I heard the deep raspy voice belonging to Luke ask.

"It's Nicole." I snapped. "what do you want?" I asked head still in my hands.

"Right sorry. I wanted to make sure you were ok." I looked up to see him sitting in the swing next to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" I said looking down.

"Nicole it's okay. you were bound to find out one day." he said lifting up my chin so I was looking up at him.

He looked sincere.

I slightly smiled back to him.

"I have a feeling you don't want to go back home or to see Ann for a while" Luke Inquired. I nodded.

"C'mon I'll take you back to mine." he said standing and holding a hand out for me. I took his hand as we walked to his apartment.

He said it wasn't too far.


We arrived at his apartment, 45s. He told me it was his home away from home, for when he needed a break from his mom or just an easy get away for him and the boys. meaning he stayed here the majority of his time.

A top level penthouse suite. it was quite open modern and well dark. Dark red walls nearly bloody they were so dark and black curtains with, not surprisingly, a black leather couch and chairs. it was quite modern.

"Your apartment is nice" I said walking in after standing in the doorway for a moment.

"Thanks. want something to drink?" He asked walking to the fridge and pulling out a beer.

"Sure" I sighed. I'm still very awkward around Luke. he is very attractive and there is something about him that draws me in.

"Y'know you can make your self comfortable. I'm not going to kill you or anything." he chuckled handing me a coke.

"Right." I said following behind him to the couch and sitting across from him.

I felt like I was just dreaming. non of this was real. I would wake up and be home in my room and Luke and I would just be science partners.

"Nic? nicole? niiiicolllleeee?" I heard Luke's voice snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Are you ok?" he seemed concerned.

"Y-yeah just a but out of it I guess" I said looking at my scruffed up shoes.

He sighed and patted the seat beside him. "c'mere"

I slowly got up and sat beside him.

I got tired of sitting straight so I leaned back letting the big couch engulf me.

"I'm sorry" Luke said looking at me.

I looked back at him quizzically.

"I shouldn't have agreed to let you see ann I should've begged for another partner and maybe non of this would've happened." he shook his head and looked down.

"It's okay. and it's not your fault. I let my curiosity take over. and I'm actually glad I got you as a partner"

Now it was Luke's turn to look at me quizzically.

"I now have some friends. cal and Mikey and-"

"What about me and ash?"

I sighed, "I'm not sure what to do about Ashton. I defiantly felt something but now that he's my half brother I will start distancing my self from him. As for you..I'm not sure yet. when you kissed me that night you came over it was all I could think about. But I hardly know you and those things you said actually hurt me."

"I didn't mean it. I was just pissed at you and ashton. After, I remembered the possibility of you and ash being brother and sister I felt like a complete dick. I'm sorry." He rushed. I was still looking down.

"It's okay" I let a breath out and looked up.

It was now that I realised how close we actually were.

He was staring at me intently. We were locked looking at each other.

A moment passed before he spoke

" I'm going to try something okay? just tell me to stop if you want me to" he whispered leaning in closer to me. my heart was beating fast, I could feel my pulse racing and my hands becoming clammy. I nodded looking at his lips then back up to his baby blue eyes. He brushed a piece of my hair behind me ear. I flinched lightly at his touch.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he whispered.

" I know" I whispered back.

And with that he pulled me in closer and leaned in so our foreheads were touching.

He's teasing me. that little piece of-

My thoughts were interrupted when he crashed his lips to mine.

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