Confrontations with the "family"

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I woke up the next morning in a fowl mood to Luke's loud snoring across the hall. groaning I placed the pillow over my ears.

I laid there for maybe another 10 minutes before giving up from trying to sleep longer.

"Fuck it" I mumbled throwing my sheets off and stomping out out of the room.

I grabbed my shoes and walked out the door.

No sense in telling Luke bye. I'll probably see him soon enough.

I called a taxi and told the driver my hell hole address.

I arrived to the place I used to call home sweet home. now maybe I should call it lies awful fucking house of lies.

Maybe I'm just in a dramatic mood.

I didn't give a fuck if it was 6am on a Saturday. I was pissed.

"I'm home!" I yelled opening and slamming the door behind me. I heard rustling in the den. Walking over I saw my "mother" and father asleep on the couch.

"Wake up!" I yelled at them as they sat up straight, clearly flustered.

"Nicole?! oh honey we were worried sick! where were you?!" my "mother" ran over to embrace me. I stepped away.

"Don't honey me" I spat.

"Nicole don't talk to your mother like that! again where were you young lady!?" my father shouted in my face.

"I was at a friend's and we all know she isn't my mother! And I'm not her daughter! am I dad?" I yelled back in his face. his scowl faltered only for a split second but I knew I hit a nerve or at least surprised him.

"That's nonsense! I am your mother!"

"Is it?! mom? is it!? tell me why did you pass out after giving birth!?" I shouted.

"It is straining giving birth to another human nicole!"

"Really!? because I thought you had a miscarriage. not go into labor but you were too stupid to know the difference! and did dad tell you about his affair!? and his other fam-"

I was cut off by dad screaming even more at me " that's enough of this nonsense! Nicole! I don't know what you're trying to get out of this but it needs to stop!"

"Nonsense? tell me this dad do the names ann and Ashton Irwin mean anything to you!? or how about the hemmings or Cliffords or hoods!? hm!? you know I'm telling the truth!"

"Jack what is going on?" Nora asked quietly.

"It's nothing"

"It's not nothing! she needs to know the truth like I had to! you kept my real mother away from me for 17 god damn years!"

My father refrained himself. no more neck veins looking like they could burst at any minute.

"Let's sit down" he spoke.

he sighed. "Nicole go get joe. he sleeps heavily."

I went to wake up my half brother.

"c'mon ass family meeting."

He followed behind me.

"I haven't been entirely honest. Nora you did have a miscarriage. I couldn't bare the thought of you finding out. after you passed out from the bloodloss I made arrangements to adopt another baby that was born at that time. it was nothing bad. the mother already had a son and couldn't afford another child. so she gave her daughter to me to give to you. I'm so sorry for not being honest" dad finished with Nora sobbing.

At this I was fuming.

"You lying piece of shit! tell her the

fucking truth now or I fucking will!"

"I did Nicole. there's nothing else."

"No! you damn lair! here's the fucking truth! I know because I talked to my real mother! ann and her son ashton!"

I looked to my father clearly fuming as well. Nora was in a state of confusion. and well joe was passed out.

I continued.

"dear mother allow me to tell you what actually happened. when joe was only a little boy, dad went off and had a summer fling with a woman who's name is ann. she already had a son, ashton. when dad here found out she was pregnant he cut off all contact with her. until nine months later you go into "labor" and coincidentally so does ann. turns out you had a miscarriage, ann didn't. dad did a baby swap while the doctors put you and ann under amnesia. ann saw dad and wanted revenge. thus dad's business. but that's another story. he did a baby swap. I found out. got the whole story. thusly we are here." I finished the simple version. Nora had tears down her cheeks. in away I felt awful. this was the woman who raised me and had

nothing to do with it. but again I was angry and hurt by my fathers actions.

"So I'm done. I wanted you to know, I know... I also wanted to pack my things. I'm moving out. I'm sorry."

I said digging my nails into the palm of my hand. As I walked up to my room and I felt my eyes water realising what just happened.

Packing my things in a duffle bag I let all of my tears go. I let them wash away my makeup from yesterday. I looked around my room to see drawers empty and closet torn apart. I wiped my face and walked down stairs. before I reached the door handle I froze.

How insensitive am I?

I turned to see no sign of dad. Nora was bawling on the couch and joe still asleep.

I'll miss him most and i will always love Nora.

I stood above Nora. once again tears were streaming down my face.

She looked up at me. "Nicole I'm so sorry. I had no idea"

"It's okay. I know you didn't. I had to tell you.make sure joe tells you about dad's business. he knows more than me." she stood up.

"I will. Are they nice? your real mom and Ashton, are they nice?" I nodded in response.

"You might like them. maybe one day." I sniffled.

"I imagine if you met your real mom she had a name for you...what is it?" she asked voice cracking. I looked down.

"It's uh brinley" I weakly smiled.

Nora's face lit up. Just a bit.

"That's a lovely name. far more interesting than Nicole." she sighed, "you'll always be my baby Nicole though." she moved my hair from my face.

My mind caught up I my body after I dropped my bag and engulfed her in a hug. we sobbed together for a few moments before I spoke.

"You'll always be my mom."

At this she cried harder and clutched on to me for life. as I did her.

"I love you sweetie."

"I love you mom"

And with that and goodbyes i walked out the house I knew and felt love in, and started again.

(A/N yay for long-ish chapters!! please keep reading and voting and telling me what you guys think! ily all so much!! mwah!!!)

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