I like bars more than you

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I stepped outside on the front porch taking a gasping breath.
This is it. this is me.
I walked most of the way through the cold to the little city im used to.
Except this time, I walked further through town. there were overgrown trees and bushes surrounding me. i scuffed up my combat boots and shoved my now cold hands into my jacket. I walked even further though the darkened streets. the only light coming from lonely street lamps.

Maybe about 5minutes later I arrive at a local bar, one that I had never heard of. the lantern, it seemed stupid a stupid name because of the lack of lighting, that and The place just screamed danger.
who cares.

I walked into the dingy place and saw a few tables and booths with a girl wiping down the bar table. There were a few people just drinking the day away and a boy with red hair playing upon the stage singing; quite well I might add.
She Took notice in my presence when she looked up.
"Welcome to the lantern what can I get ya?"
I made my way to be bar and grabbed a stool that had obviously been worn out.
"Um whatever's good I guess"
The girl nodded and poured a mix of drinks.
"No 'fence You seem uptight." How girl spoke sliding me my drink.
"I am," I sighed, "but I've got a lot going on so- whatever"
"Wanna talk about it?" the girl pestered.
i took a deep breath, "you sure you wanna know about my shitty life?"
"Hun I've got all day with barely any pay, cmon spill."
"I don't know-"
"Cmon im bored, tell me and I'll give you as many drinks as you want" she persuaded.


About and hour and a half later I was feeling a bit wasted. I was slurring my words and I could barely hold my head up even in my hands.
He boy on stage was now singing a song that just felt right at the moment.
"Damn girl. you've got a fucked up family- two actually." The girl I now know as Alexia- spoke up.
"T- tell me a boutit" i slurred.
"so who do you love?"
at this my head quirked up.
"Love?" I questioned
"Uhduhdur yes love. I can hear it in the way you talk about the boys -ashton and Luke right?- yeah. love is love yknow, can't stop it. so even if you love your half brother, you've only known him for what a week? It's not like you've grown up together. As for luke well he's just got you hooked somehow and you don't even know it"
"Are you like in my brain right now because wow you're good"
At this she chuckled.
I sighed tired of talking. resting my forehead on the cool metal and wood table I tried to gather coherent thoughts.
"Welcome to the lantern what can I get-"
Alexia stopped talking as a male voice overpowered hers
"Nic Nic?" I glanced up to see my cousin standing awkwardly in the door way.
"Hi aren" I mumbled looking down to the table again.
"Alexia please can I?" I asked tapping the tide of my glass.
"One step ahead of ya Chica"
I heard a chair squeak as I smelt strong cologne.
"What are you doing here little nic nic"
"its brinley now" I sighed for the umpteenth million time of the night taking my shot glossing and mumbling a bottoms up before proceeding to drink it all.
I could sense Aaron staring at me from the way he was sitting.
"Mhm," I chuckled "here let me start over-" I cleared my throat "what can I do Ya for cuz, feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever hm?" I squealed in a high pitch voice, At my stupidity I giggled falling off my bar stool with a gasp and oomph escaping my mouth. then continued giggling, however this time my giggled turned to roars of laughter causing people to turn and look at me as the boy stopped singing for a moment.
"She's okay guys carry on" alexia called.
"Amen! I'm fucking amazing!" I preached raising my hand to the roof and laughed again.
Aaron bent down to help me up but I was Laughing too hard I waved off his hand and grabbed my stomach.
I just wanted to laugh all day long I wanted to laugh until I cry or until I couldn't breathe -I was closer to the latter- I was gasping for air and still laughing terrible hard. I could hear Aaron on the phone with someone he sounded stressed so naturally I offered my best advice.
"Y- you should have a drink- alexia!" I hiccuped.
My laugh had finally begun to die down when a door opened and slammed.
"Jesus Nicole you need to stop this fucking shit" I looked up to see the blond hair and baby blue eye boy.
"It's brinley now" I wined "why can't anybody call me by my name" I hugged like a child and crossed my arms across my chest.
Luke helped pull me off the floor, but of course with a bit of struggle.
"Cmon lets get you home"
"What nooo I want to watch the pretty boy finish singing" I whined Luke seemed frustrated by this but didn't fight me
"Alexiaaa when does he come off stage"
"Ed! When you go off tonight?"
She yelled to the boy taking a water break.
"One more song" he yelled back
Oh god he's British. umf please date me
My thoughts were clearly acting like a normal teenage girl but my body and mouth were of a 3 year old
"OHHHH luukeeyyy he's from England! That's so hot alexia tell him how hot that is!"
Alexia laughed at me, "It's hot."

(A/N I'm a terrible person. I really am upset with myself for making you guys wait so long for updates but I usually get a chapter written but then I stress if it's good enough or not to publish and I just ugh no excuses- I'm sorry
Please keep reading and commenting and voting bc I love you guys sooo much and if you remember when I had 200reads or what 96 reads, just wow I love all of you soo soo soo much thank you thank you thank you and mwah)

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