Chapter 1

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so this is a new one i'm going to try. comment and vote if you like, i would like to  know how i'm doing on this since i have never wrote a werewold story before.


Chapter 1

I woke up with a half-smile on my face; I have to try and smile to get through my day. At least I had shelter over me and food to eat.  I'm Marissa Hale, I'm 17 years old almost 18 and im a werewold big suprsie there, and I have not found my mate yet. That’s the one thing I wake up every morning and hope for. Someone to rescue me from this hell hole.

“Marissa!” my  brother yelled from down stairs, he was obligated to take me to school over day, so that was what he was doing. I lived with my mom and brother, my dad had passed away some time ago, but my mom is away again at another pack meeting. She represents to beta since he is always too busy too go. “I'm coming!” my brother wanted to get to school just so he could meet his friends again, and I always have to go along with it.

I run down the stairs, in my black jeans and baggy grey sweater. I'm don’t have the perfect size, I'm slightly overweight but I don’t have any plans on changing that. I love my body and I don’t care who tells me otherwise. I tied my black hair up at the top of my head and ran towards my brothers car, which was just pulling out. “would you wait Derek!” I called after him. Derek was one of the people that would always tease me and make fun of me, not that I really cared but he was my brother after all. “I have to go pick up Zane, I'm sure you can manage walking yourself” he said before pulling out.

I sighed and started the 30 minute walk to school, if I walked fast enough I might make it in time for first period. My life wasn’t the greatest as you can see, but it wasn’t the worst either. I still had my hopes and dreams and I had good grades. Something in my life would always brighten my day. I love photography, it’s a passion of mine. I work after school to save money for things I want but it always ends up getting sued on that somehow.

After about 20 minutes I finally made it to school. I saw my brother and Zane talking to some of the girls over there, Zane was my brothers best friend, and I would like to say he was nice to me, but he wasn’t. he was just like my brother, being mean to me and teasing me and putting me down. The one thing I'm thankful though is that none of them had ever laid a hand on me.  I'm not part of an abusive family and I can be thankful for that.

I ran past them and into the school when I accidently ran into someone. I’ve never seen him before he had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, a tall stocky build with a sharp face. “Sorry” I mumbled, I was in a hurry for class when he grabbed my wrist and tugged me back. “Hi I'm Sean, I'm new here wanna show me around?” he introduced himself. That was weird; he was smiling and asking me? “Sure, what do you have first?” not like I had any friends to catch up with so what the hell right?

“math then photography class” he said with a nod. “oh wow those are my first two classes, I’ll take you to the office and we can get your schedule and locker then I’ll show you the classes” I said walking towards the school. “ok cool and thanks. I don’t know anyone here yet so I'm just trying to get around” I rolled my eyes, someone like him would definitely know some people soon. maybe even my brother and Zane. His looks had to affect on me but on others I wouldn’t be so surprised.

I led him to the office where the crappy secretary sat “ok Sean you go see the principal and miss Hale you can wait in the hall, this will only take 10 minutes” she said in her boring voice. Sean shot me a smile before walking in.

I walked outside and slumped against the wall. I don’t really remember the reason why my brother wanted to be here early today but I think it had something to do with one of his friend’s 18th birthday. I saw Zane walking down the hall and I smelt something good, it was intoxicating and I wanted more of it. When I looked over and focused on Zane I couldn’t look away. My eyes met his and I stared into them with such intensity I could feel the blood rushing in me. his eyes stared back into mine, before they quickly snapped away and he stormed towards me. I couldn’t even move. All I did was stand there looking no doubt like an idiot.

He grabbed me, and my skin felt like it was on fire. I good one though, I didn’t hurt one bit. I was so distracted by that, that I didn’t even notice that he had pulled me into an empty classroom. A gentle smile played at my lips, but I didn’t let it show until he said what he wanted to. I just still couldn’t believe my mate was Zane, or all people! “Marissa” he said slowly, snapping me out of it and my eyes met his. It wasn’t loving, or angry, or happy. It was sad and bland.

“look you know in a couple months I will inherit the alpha position right?” I nodded, I was always at the pack meetings so I don’t see what the point of this was.  “Well I simply have to have the right person stand by me.  I need someone who is born to lead, and can give the pack a good reputation, and I have to say, your just not the one” I couldn’t focus, what was he saying? We were mates, we were meant to be. You don’t get to just replace your mate with who you think is right!

“Think about it Zane, we’re mates for a reason, I promise I will be all you need”  I needed him to understand this, I wasn’t going to let him slip from my grasp so easily. “I'm sorry Marissa but that’s how things are. I never set out to hurt you like this. But you’ll get over it and move on like me. we’re just not meant to be mates” he said it so calmly and differently, this was possibly the nicest way you could ever reject someone as your mate, but it doesn’t change that they’re still rejecting you.

“Zane give me a chance here! You don’t even know me!” tears were sparking in my eyes at this point. “yes I do, your my best friends weak little sister. I'm starting to lose my patience here. I need someone strong, a leader. Someone who can stand by me that I can be proud of” he finished. I don’t know what to say now.. “Zane” I managed to croak out.

“Look Marissa you can beg all you want but I'm not going to accept you, there are just better people out there for us, so don’t make a fool of yourself. Keep this quiet till I can figure out a way to cover this up, I Zane Anderson officially reject you Marissa hale as my mate” his voice emotionless but hard, and with hat he took one last look at me, a Brocken shell. And left, leaving me here alone in my tears and heartbreak.

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