Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Marissa’s POV

After I got out of the shower I saw Zane was gone and the door was closed. I quickly dressed in a pair of black jeans and slipped on a long sleeve shirt under my sweater. I could already feel the cold coming in from outside, winter was coming fast.

I walked down the stairs to see my brother and Claire eating at the table. “Morning” I mumbled as I grabbed a piece of toast. I didn’t pay any attention to Claire because I think my brother actually likes her and I'm not going to stand in the way. The only reason I'm mean to her is because she’s always mean too me, but I can see how much she likes my brother and if he likes her to then I guess that’s settled.

“Hey do you want a ride this morning?” Derek asks. “yea sure” I replied while putting some peanut butter on my bread. I picked up my piece of toast and walked out of the kitchen into the living room but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Zane sitting on the couch eating some cereal. His brown hair was thrown around on his head giving him a sexy look and he had on a pair of jeans along with a red long sleeve and a black jacket. As if he could sense me walking in he looked over at me and smiled.

“So do you want to do anything specific for today? I was thinking we could just go out for lunch and stuff” he said. my face quickly turned into something of confusion, what was he talking about again? “You don’t remember do you?” he said with a  sigh, the smile dropped down an inch but it was still there. “Uh refresh my memory?” I felt bad for not remembering if I made plans with him but when I woke up this morning I couldn’t exactly think straight.

“We made plans yesterday to hang out today” he said slowly. I remember yesterday going out to lunch with him and talking about what happened then I said we could be friends and – oh wait we did make plans to hang out today. “Oh yea now I remember, and sure we can do whatever I don’t really mind” I was still standing there eating my piece of toast while talking to him but I couldn’t stop looking at him, his bright blue eyes held my captive.

His eyes were shining brightly this morning, it just stood out. the only problem is when I look at him I feel like he can see right through me, like he can read me. I don’t like people knowing what I'm feeling or thinking about that just makes me vulnerable. 

“Ok then lunch it is, then I was thinking we could go see a movie?” I shook my head when he said movies, I hated watching movies when I try to get to know someone because you can’t talk at all and then sometimes they get the wrong idea.

“How about we just go for lunch after school and then we can go and go karting or something?” I said the first thing that came off the top of my head, I haven’t been go karting in a long time and I don’t even know why I said that in the first place.

“Sure that sounds fun, so you can just meet me by my car after school. Oh do you need a ride there?” his voice held happiness and it was nice to hear, what was even more nice was that we were being civil to each other for once. “Nah I got a ride there already ill meet you at your car after” and with that I walked out of the room.

Now that I think about it me and Zane have something weird going on. we are mates but we aren’t together but we don’t hate each other and we’re kind of friends. I don’t even know how that happened but I like being on the good side of him mote then the bad side, it kept my stress levels down.

I noticed Derek walk out of the kitchen with Claire following behind, I looked at her this time but she just gave me a blank stare back, no nasty comment or dirty look.  I didn’t say anything though I just walked out the door behind them.

I climbed in the back seat so she could have the front; I noticed how she didn’t look at me anymore in the car. We rode to school in comfortable silence together. But I was still trying to figure out the change in Claire, she hung out with Zane a lot and they were always mean. It seems like a lot of things has changed but I’ve been too caught up in my own world to notice.

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