Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Zane’s POV

I hated how civil she was with everyone but me. it was as if the world was working against me right now. the pull towards her was hard enough to fight when she wasn’t hating me or simply looking at me with emotionless faces when I look at her.

It was Tuesday morning and I was already ready to go and crawl back into bed. We were the only two sitting at the table eating breakfast. But she did her best to avoid looking at me, she would look at anything other than me while I just stared at her the whole time. I don’t know what was going through her mind last night when she saw me and Derek with Cassidy and Claire but I hope I didn’t make anything worse for me. Cassidy just keeps throwing herself at me, I don’t want to be rude about it but I wasn’t going to give into any of her ‘ways’.

“Did you want a ride to school this morning?” I cleared my throat and asked awkwardly. “No thanks” was her simple answer. Derek had to go early to see the principal about some class changes and she had to get a ride with someone. “Who are you going with?” I asked. “I don’t know” she wasn’t completely ignoring me but she was trying her best to end whatever conversation I was trying to start.

“have you seen Kyle or Sean around?” I asked, I haven’t seen them last night yet and maybe she would know. “Nope”. “Marissa your killing me here could you just give me a civil answer here, I don’t see why we have to act like this.” I sighed. I know I said some things I didn’t mean but did she have to hold everything against me?

I told her we couldn’t be together and that’s when it started, after I took her out that day. she at least talked to me, but when we rode together in the morning to school and I let some words slip, well after that she was just completely cold to me. why do I even care so much? I don’t want a mate but why am I trying so hard for her? that was one question I keep asking myself that I don’t know the answer too.

“Act like what? We aren’t even friends Zane, we’re nothing.” I flinched a little at her answer, she was throwing everything I said back in my face. About how I didn’t love her and that we couldn’t be together.

“I don’t want to keep acting like this can we please just try and get over that? I said some things I didn’t mean yesterday and I think it’s better off that we just stay friends in each other’s lives.” She didn’t respond to that, he simply picked up her bowl and put it in the sink. “you have to get a ride with me, none of us has seen Kyle or Sean all morning and I'm the only person that hasn’t left yet” I said with a satisfied smirk on my face. That means I get an extra ten or fifteen minutes to talk to her, depending on how slow I drive.

“No thanks I can walk” I stood up from the table and walked over to where she was. “Am I that bad that you would rather walk to school in the morning and be later than ride with me?” I asked angrily in her face. She looked a little surprised at my actions but I was done playing around. I’ve been trying to fix this and she’s just giving me the cold shoulder.

I want some kind of reaction, no scratch that I want a happy reaction to something I’ve said. she was pressed against the counter and I was in front of her, blocking her from walking away from me.

“What's going on here?” said a calm voice from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see john, her stupid trainer that I heard nothing about. “Can you give me a ride to school this morning everyone already left” Marissa asked. Incredible! She asks him for a ride but would rather walk than ride with me.

“Sure I’ll b down in a minute let me just get some clothes on” he said before walking off. I didn’t miss how her eyes followed his shirtless chest as he walked away. I growled lowly making her turn her attention back to me. “Don’t test me Marissa” I growled at her. I was slowly losing my control with her. I wanted nothing more than to be civil to each other and she acts like this.

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