Chapter 8

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sorry for the long wait, this is the first day off school i've had and now that i have free time there will be a lot more uploads. i am going away for the weekend and coming back monday so next upload witll be either tuesday or wednesday, don't forget to comment and vote if you like!


Chapter 8

Earlier that night before they left

Kyle’s POV

What the alpha said weighed heavily on my mind; I know he was only trying to think of what was best for her but he has it all wrong. People do care about her and she’s starting to fit in more every day, I'm sure if he told her about his plans before he made her agree to them then she wouldn’t have taken the deal.

Marissa was not one to complain about her life, she was one to get up and do something to make it better. That’s why I liked that girl so much, I was walking mindlessly when I heard  Zane’s footsteps become more aware. He walked right in front of me and stopped, “Did you need something?” I asked politely, I don’t know what has been going on with him lately but I can see he’s acting differently around Marissa and her brother.  Something was up and I want to know.

“Nothing really, I'm just wondering if your coming with us to the club tonight” I narrowed my eyes, it wasn’t what he wanted to say but I nodded. “Now how about you ask me what you really wanted too?” I shot back. “Don’t talk to me like that” he growled in my face. Maybe he wouldn’t willingly tell me what’s up but I could get it out of him.  “I know about your dirty little secret” I smirked, hoping he wouldn’t call my bluff.  “And what exactly is that?” he shot back to fast. That’s when I knew for sure he was hiding something. “you know what I'm talking about, and I want to know it all. So you better tell me or soon enough the whole pack will know” I threatened, right now he was in a weak position.

“Are you threatening a alpha?” his eyes narrowed as his lips pulled back into a snarl, it was pathic that he was trying to scare me off with a tittle. “You’re not a alpha yet, right now we are equals and you’re not in the right position to be questioning me are you?” I raised an eyebrow, daring him to challenge me on that. We both already knew that I won.

“you know that I can ruin your life once I become alpha?” he spoke much calmer this time with a raised eyebrow. I sighed and took a softer approach. “Come on Zane, I'm one of your best friends I just want to know what's going on with you, I knew if I simply asked you wouldn’t tell me that’s why I had to demand” I said looking him in the eye. I was going to be his beta and we worked good together, but he needed to trust me. I had no plan on using what he said against him nor telling anyone. I just wanted to know what was going on. and if involved Marissa then her life was going to turn into hell.

“Fine” e raked a hand through his hair and started walking up the stairs, looking back to make sure I was behind him. When we reached his room I sat on the bed across from him. “We don’t have much time so just tell me straight up what it is”. I cared about him and anyone who knew him could tell he was stressed.

“Marissa is my mate and I can’t have that.” He spat out quickly. I caught it all, and that was just the nice was to say he rejected his mate, that of course had to be Marissa. “Holy shit” I couldn’t even believe my ears. “Why the hell would you do that?” my eyes were going to fall out of my head, how was this girl even managing to carry on?

“I have nothing against her it’s just that she’s isn’t fit to be a Luna. I haven’t told anyone and I need a way to cover it up” he said panicking. “Oh my god, you do know you just made the stupidest choice ever right? you’re going to regret that and by the time you realise what you’re doing she is going to be done” this wasn’t my place to talk but it did involve Marissa and that alpha said that if she did find her mate then she could stay. All I need to do is make Zane own up to it and accept her, because I already know she is broken on the inside.

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