Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Zane’s POV

I don’t know what to do, I guess you could say I am truly lost. I find myself craving her touch and attention that I can’t get enough of her. I want her back with me and I feel like I belong with her. the fight I have now s between my mind and my heart and to be honest I don’t know which one will win.

Marissa’s POV

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face, it was pouring rain outside and I loved it. I loved the rain since I was a little girl, somehow it just gave me comfort. “Marissa!” Kyle screamed as he barged in my room.

I was still lying in my bed cuddled up in my blankets, but I was awake. “Yea Kyle?” I asked with amusement. “I heard you went out with them for dinner last night but you didn’t come with us” he pouted. I wanted to give him the honest answer because of Zane, but he didn’t know about the whole mate thing and he was friends with Zane too. I just didn’t want to ruin anything, but he did have the right to know didn’t he?

I think I might as well tell him, seeing as how I am on a lucky streak right now. “Ok ill explain but first I need to tell you something” I said patting the spot next too me. “Is it that you have morning breath? Because I know already” I shot him a playful glare and ignored his comment.

“Ok well I don’t really know how to say this. But I'm just going to go straight to the point,  Zane found his mate that day and it was me, he rejected me though.” I waited for his reaction but nothing came, a smirk was tugging at the corners of his lips and now I was confused. “What's so funny?” I wasn’t mad, I just didn’t know what he found so amusing about it.

“Nothing it’s just that I already knew, I was waiting for you too tell me and honestly I expected you to take much longer” he shrugged and hopped off my bed. “What- wait how did you know?” I hadn’t told anyone and Zane was too ashamed of it too tell anyone. I know Kyle was his best friend and so was my brother and my brother doesn’t know.

“I was catching onto something by the way you two act around each other and on the day we were going to the club I broke Zane down and found out” he said easily as if it was nothing much. “Oh” was all I could manage to mumble. He didn’t act any differently around me and he didn’t pity me, that’s what I liked about Kyle, I guess he was a true friend after all. He didn’t get mad at me for not telling him and he waited till I was ready.

“Well thanks, and does Sean know too?” I was kind of afraid of the answer to that one. I know Sean was my first break from the whole rejection thing but I was in no hurry to explain anything like that too him.  “No he doesn’t, but now you need to tell me why you ditched us at the movies to go with them for dinner” he had a childish pout on his face that made me break out into a grin.

“I was planning on staying here but I just went mainly to annoy Zane and I have to say it was a mission well done, plus I met a cute guy. So totally worth it” I couldn’t even keep the smile off my face while I was thinking about Alex. He was funny and It was just easy to be around him, he was nice and welcoming. I don’t know why but being around him just made me want to smile.

Kyle laughed at my little plan but shook his head. “You two are going to be the death of each other’ he mumbled before walking out of the room. I cocked my head to the side trying to figure out what that meant….. Zane had nothing over me.

I got out of bed and di my morning routine, I slipped in a pair of jeans a purple sweater. It was Sunday which meant I could relax and dread tomorrow. ‘Marissa in my office please’ I heard the alpha in my mind, ok I guess there goes the plan of doing nothing.

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