Chapter 29 Part 1

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Chapter 29 Part 1

I walked out of my room, refreshed and happy again. I don’t know who my mom invited over for this ‘little’ party but I hope it wasn’t much. I still wanted to go and take my new car for a test drive.

“Hey sweetie, everyone’s almost here” she gushed. I think she was more excited about this than I was, my mom loved parties. She loved going to them, hosting them and mainly partying . me, well I was the opposite of her. I liked to hang out with a small group of people but then again as I got older I didn’t really have anyone to hang out with.

I spotted Kyle and Sean over in a corner with two other girls from our pack. I put on my smiley face and walked over. “Hey” I said, cheerful and nice like the way I was suppose to talk. “Hi Marissa, you look so pretty tonight. Happy birthday!” one of the girls said before hugging me. I was a little surprised at her reaction, I don’t even know who she really is.

I think her name was Mia? “Well I was going to tell you the same thing but Mia beat me too it, happy birthday Marissa” the other girl said too me. “thank you” I smiled brightly while thanking them. I was looking at them but it wasn’t them that caught my eyes, it was the one girl I saw over her shoulder. Cassidy. The one girl who I hated by now, who shouldn’t even be here because we weren’t even close to friends. Claire I'm ok with because her and my brother are going out and she’s been trying to make an effort but Cassidy, well I might strangle her.

“Excuse me” I said, without even waiting for a reply I walked away from them and over to Cassidy who was talking to some girl. “Hi can I please steal Cassidy for a minute” I asked sweetly. The girl simply nodded and walked away.

“Ok so what are you doing here?” I asked her, getting straight to the point. “Well I'm here to celebrate your birthday of course” she said sweetly. “Well we’re not friends so you can leave” I pointed towards the door, I didn’t want her here and I wasn’t afraid to tell anyone that. “Well actually you cant kick me out since I'm here as Zane’s  date” she smirked evilly at me as I narrowed my eyes at her. But why would I believe her since he pretty much told me he loved me?

“I don’t think so, I don’t believe he would be here with you so there’s the door, don’t let it hit you on the way out” I hinted again. “Well there he is, why don’t we go and ask him?” and with that off she went sauntering over to him. I rolled my eyes but followed closely behind her. we both walked up to him but I stood there while Cassidy did the talking. I was just waiting for him to deny it.

“So just to clarify I'm here with you right?” She asked. I looked at her weirdly, who asks that? “Uh I don’t remember that” Zane stuttered. He didn’t deny it like I thought he would but he didn’t say yes either. “What’s going on, is she here with you or not?” I stared into his eyes and asked. My facial expression was probably cold as stone right now but I wanted an answer.

“Well you see. A while ago your mom told us that she was going to be coming home and throwing you a party and I asked you if we could go together, you said sure” Cassidy tried to remind him. I shook my head and casted my eyes downwards, that sounded kind of true. Zane pulled on the color of his shirt  as he looked between me and Cassidy.

I didn’t even wait for an answer before walking away. I shouldn’t be mad about it since it was a while ago, so why am I still mad that he agreed to come to MY birthday party with her as a date when he knows how much I hate her?

I just don’t get it sometimes. “Ok how about we cut the cake then!” My mom shouted out. I looked up and had to smile at her craziness. I nodded and walked over to where she held a blue fondant cake in her hands. I counted eighteen candles on it as she placed in on the table. Everyone gathered around me and started singing while my mother took pictures from the other side of the table.

I blew out my candles with one wish ‘I wish that everything will turn out ok in the end’. That is really the only thing that I want, I don’t care how bad it get’s going through it but I want a happy ending. I smiled as my mother took pictures of me and everyone wished me a happy eighteenth birthday. But I was zoned out, the room was spinning and as everyone hollered and cheered it seemed like I was out of place.

When we were down I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. What’s going on exactly? Why do I feel so out of it? Zane walked in the kitchen making a beeline towards the fridge, he didn’t notice me and I couldn’t say anything. It was when he turned around he found me holding my head in my hands and staring at the ground. Everything was still spinning in circles and I couldn’t focus on anything.

“Marissa?” Zane tried saying but it was dragged out in my mind. My body started wobbling and getting weaker though. even though I was sitting I felt as if I might fall. I wasn’t leaning over the table anymore, instead I was face to face with the floor. I could faintly see Zane in front of me, looking concerned and trying to talk too me but I couldn’t hear anything.

Suddenly everything faded into black and I was lost to the world. 


Since i can' exactly pinpoint who votes for these chapters i'm giving the dediction to the last person who commented, which is Jan_Lene. Thank you for reading and commenting, maybe voting? Again thank you to everyone one who supports this story becuase it really inspires me! Comment and vote please!

next upload Tuesday or Wedne


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