Chapter 3

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updates will be slower than my other stories, but it will be uploaded once a week at  least, some might be a bit short though, like this one.....


Chapter 3

“so yea we were talking about you?” I tore my eyes away from Zane and looked back at Sean. “Ok well it’s actually just me and my dad here. My mom passed away a couple years ago in a war. He’s out right now though, he doesn’t come around a lot. And as you can tell I'm a different type of person who prefers to hang out with different types of people” he nodded.

“well I'm sorry about your mom, my dad passed away a couple years ago too” it was still sad to talk about my dad but not impossible. But it seemed that my mom was like Sean’s dad in a way, they were never around and not a huge part in our lives. But we still turned out pretty good. I looked at him waiting for him to say more, and just as he was about to open his mouth again, the king himself walked over to us with Kyle and Clair.

“hey Sean” he stood before us smiling down at Sean, although his eyes were on me. “Hey” Sean replied casually. “did you want to come and sit with us?” now an other wolf would have jumped at the chance, and this was the chance I had to see if Sean was who he really said he was. “sorry but I'm sitting with Marissa here” I admired how he could brush them off so easily without being rude, and I wasn’t surprised by his answer. He had already showed me numerous times today that he was all in with me here. “she can come too” Claire spoke up. Wow they really wanted him to sit there. And to be honest I kind of wanted to see what they wanted, and why they would invite us over there.

Sean looked over at me un-sure. I nodded, I was always in the mood to have a little fun. He smiled up at them and nodded reluctantly. “great” he said, we made our way over to the picnic  table on the hill and sat down, me and Sean on one side and Kyle Claire and Zane on the other. “so your new here huh?” Sean nodded and started eating. He had to be careful, Zane was the alphas son so he could pretty much do what he wanted.

“why don’t you come and hang with us tomorrow” Zane doesn’t even know he’s a werewolf and he doesn’t hang out with humans a lot, He is so up to something.  “sorry but I have plans already” Sean replied, this conversation was taking a interesting turn. Zane’s face hardened a little at the rejection. I was doing my best to ignore the pull towards him, and it was good that I wasn’t breaking down right now. I was keeping strong like the girl I was raised to be.

“You just got here, what could you possibly have to do?” Kyle asked, Zane’s jaw was clenched and Claire was staring at the two interested. “I have plans with Marissa” he said easily. Well then I guess I have plans tomorrow then too. “Why the hell are you hanging out with her?” Claire asked rudely. “why are you so annoying?” he shot back, I had to over my laugher by taking a drink when Claire made a face. I think everyone noticed to because Kyle shot me an amused look, he was one of them but he was never mean to me like Zane and my brother.

“Well whatever then Sean, but just know that by hanging out with her your going to be at the bottom pretty soon” Zane spat. A hard look came over Sean’s face as he got up with his empty trey “trust me I won’t be the one at the bottom, Marissa I’ll see you after school meet me at my locker” and with that he walked away.

Why did he suddenly get so mad. I got up ready to leave to when Kyle spoke up “where are you going now?” he asked. I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, “well why else would I stay here?” Sean was gone and I was only here because of Sean, I was smart enough to know that I wasn’t actually wanted here. I could feel the eyes of Zane and Claire on me again, making me shift on the spot.

“Because I want you too” he shot me a smile and I was confused. Why was he suddenly being so nice? Don’t get me wrong, Kyle was a nice guy and he wasn’t mean but he never stood up for anyone and he always hung out with Zane and went along with what he did. “uh well I’ll catch up with you later then” I turned on my heel to leave when I heard Kyle getting up from the table and walking over to me.

What the hell was happening? He walked over to me “Kyle stop playing with the bitch” Zane snapped from behind us. my cheeks became red with anger and I whirled around to face him. “what the hell did you just call me?” I asked angrily, I don’t care if he is my mate I will punch him straight in the face.

Zane’s POV

The bitch part kind of slipped, I was mad seeing that Kyle was walking up to her and I couldn’t control myself. I didn’t mean to say that but when he turned around she was fuming. “what the hell did you just call me?” I stared at her, because right now she looked hot as hell. My stupid little mate……. When will you learn your place? I rejected Marissa for a reason, because I will not have a mate like her. I do not need her. And I definitely do not want her.

“Watch what you say Marissa” I growled, letting the alpha side of me come out a little. “I don’t care who you are, you don’t talk to me like that” she growled lowly. Claire being the dumbass she was, looked back and forth at us sipping her smoothly while Kyle went to stand beside Marissa. Kyle has noticed Marissa a few times and has wanted to talk to her, he even told me to stop picking on her. I was higher ranked than he was so I could do whatever to hell I wanted.  I guess since she was sitting with us he thought it would be a good time to get to know her. I never saw what he saw in her, but whatever.

“Come on Zane don’t be like that, you don’t even know her” Kyle defended her? he should be taking my side over some girl, I'm his friend and his alpha! “I will do what I want” I growled back at both off them. Marissa was about to walk towards me when Kyle grabbed her hand and pulled her back. he whispered something in her ear that I couldn’t pick up, making me growl. It drove me crazy at what effect she had on me and no matter how much I didn’t want her, I didn’t want anyone else near her either.

He pulled her away and I took one last look at her as they turned around and walked away, hand in hand. “well that was weird” stupid Claire said from beside me, still sipping her flipping drink. I was so angry right now, I might kill someone here and now. I got up from the table and walked the opposite way of the way they went. I went over to a group of human girls, when they saw me  they all smiled and some even blushed.

I spotted my distraction,  in the far corner was a girl with black hair tied up on her head, and deep brown eyes. I don’t know why but she stood out to me among the rest of them. it still wasn’t anything special but I made eye contact with her “and what’s your name” I asked with a smile. she would be my nice distraction for the rest of the day.

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