Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Marissa’s POV

It was the day after, I had a good night sleep to think about today. I texted Alex last night and told him that I was awake, we made plans to meet up today. But I didn’t say any more than that. He was supposed to meet me here today. It was about mid afternoon now, Alex was supposed to be getting here in about an hour.

“Marissa” I heard my voice being called form downstairs. I groaned but rolled out of bed. Since I only woke up last night I was still in some pain whenever I moved around. I took my time getting down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen where a number of people were. There was the new girl Laura, Derek, Claire and Zane.

“Did you guys need something?” I asked somewhat irritated, I’d been on edge the whole day, I didn’t even want to deal with Zane today.

“We just wanted you to meet Laura, she’s new.” My brother said. His eyes gave me a look saying ‘be nice’.

“Hi I'm Marissa” I said sweetly with a smile. I waved quickly. She smiled quietly and waved back.

“Oh and my dad wanted to see you” Zane spoke up after a couple more seconds. I groaned because somehow I knew this was going to be about that stupid training school. “I'm coming with you” Zane said, his voice was hard and held some anger. Obviously he didn’t like the idea that his dad had.

“Ok well let’s just go now so we can get this over with” I sighed and walked out of the kitchen with him following behind me. “I'm not going you know I plan on staying here with you” said quietly to him.

“I'm not going to let you go either, my dad needs to understand this” Zane said through gritted teeth. Obviously this made him mad too. I walked up to the office door and knocked twice before entering.

“Hello Marissa, I wish to speak to her along Zane” The alpha addressed us. He was sitting behind his desk with a serious expression on his face as usual.

“Actually dad we need to tell you something” Zane shut the door with his foot and stepped inside his dads office. The alpha raised an eyebrow but didn’t challenge it. I took a seat across from the desk as Zane took the one beside me.  “Dad me and Marissa are mates plain and simple. I'm not going to let her be shipped off for two years” Zane said calmly.

“You two are mates really?” the alpha laughed and sat back in his chair. Unbelievable- he didn’t believe us.

“Yea we are alpha, we’ve just chosen not to tell anyone” I said sternly. “We both knew on Zane’s birthday but we had some minor issues so we did not begin the mating process” I explained. That was the best I could give away without telling him that Zane rejected me.

“And what was the minor issue?” The alpha asked. He seemed completely interested in this, as if this was a little game to him.

“Zane rejected me, he didn’t think I was good enough to lead this pack” I said it, I didn’t want to lie. I had nothing left to hide. So I said it. Zane looked at me with wide eyes as if he didn’t want that to get out either. It exposed both of us, people might think less of me, and for him, well he rejected his future alpha female.

But that’s over now, that stuff doesn’t matter anymore because we’re both past that. “Zane is this all true?” The alpha said to Zane. Zane nodded carefully, but didn’t say anything. I think we were both praying for the same thing right now. we just wanted to be left alone so we could figure out our life together.

“Ok I will give you two the benefit of the doubt since no one would really be crazy enough to lie about something like this. But you two can tell the pack this – this is your story to tell. And I don’t know if I can cancel Marissa’s whole enrollment to the academy” The alpha said un-sure.

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