Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

“Surprise!” I nearly had a heart attack when the door flung open in my face and my mother walked into my dorm. I was shocked to see her here, but as she walked in Kyle, Sean, Derek, Alex and Laura. I couldn’t even say anything as I saw them come in.

“Zane called and said you two weren’t coming down for Christmas so we thought we would just come to you” my mom laughed and gushed. I couldn’t help but smile and hug her. I was so blessed to have her in my life, she did so much for me even though she was away so often.

“I'm so glad you guys came here” I said honestly. I knew there was one person that was not here that Zane did want to see though. And that was his dad.

“I'm guessing the alpha didn’t come?” I asked somewhat hesitantly. I felt bad that all my family and friends were here but Zane’s only parent was not.

“He wanted to see Zane but he knew that you probably did not want him here so he is renting out a dorm room, Zane can go and see him when he likes but you don’t have too” My mother said. if frowned at the thought of it, after all the alpha had done to me it still didn’t feel right to make him sit alone in a room on Christmas.

“Just tell him to come on over here” I sighed and said. If what Zane said was true then that meant that he did regret what he did and I need to learn to forgive and forget.

“Who’s here?” Zane said as he walked out of the kitchen and into the room where all of us were. He stopped in his tracks and tilted his head sideways a little.

“I didn’t know you guys were coming down” He said confused.

“It’s nice to see you to Zane” Kyle laughed and said. Kyle walked over to Zane and they started talking. They’ve been friends for a while but when Kyle started hanging out with me more they grew apart. It was nice to see them together again.

“You know I'm glad we can spend the Christmas together, even Claire is here with your brother” My mother motioned behind Derek where Claire was. I didn’t even see her there but I offered her a friendly smile. I drew my gaze over to Alex and Laura, the new happy couple.

“Hey Alex” I walked over to them but did not make a move to hug Alex. I had to admit I still did have some feelings for him even though we had both found who we were really meant to be with. He was a great guy and I would never forget what he was to me.

Alex shook his head and pulled me into a hug. “I missed you so much” he whispered into my ear. I smiled into his shoulder, it looks like I wasn’t the only one.

“I missed you too” I said as we pulled away. I looked at him and I saw the happiness in his eyes, he was the same old Alex, the same caring guy who was simply just meant to be with someone else. “I'm sorry I'm being rude. Hello Laura” I offered her a warm smile which she returned. I guess she knew me and Alex had history because she didn’t seem mad or even bothered at the contact me and Alex had.

“Merry Christmas everyone” I said out loud. I had not gotten around seeing everyone yet but I was grateful for each one of them to be here.

“So how are you Marissa?” Alex asked as I turned my attention back to him. I noticed Laura had taken off to go and talk to my mom.

“I'm doing great actually. Not that Zane’s here and everything seemed to work itself out I really am ok” I nodded my head and said. I truly had a real smile on my face and I was radiating happiness.  “How are you and Laura?” I asked.

“It’s great really; she’s really grown into the pack now. It’s like she really belongs there” he said as he looked at her.

“That’s great” I said softly.

“Marissa I don’t want you out of my life. I don’t want us to just forget about each other” Alex sighed and said. Both of us knew this was coming; it was only a matter of time to deal with it.

“Me too. We should be friends” I suggested. Alex as a great guy that I didn’t feel like passing up but I didn’t have interest in him either since I had Zane. We had both moved on but still wanted each other in our lives, which was understandable.

“Sure but I'm talking best friends. We have to hang out and I'm coming to see you and all that. There was a time when I was in love with you. I still love you just not the same way” Alex said softly to me. I smiled at him when he said he loved me.

“I love you too, and trust me I mean best friends too” I hugged him tightly and in my mind all I could see was rainbows. Everything just kept getting better and better in my life.

I looked over behind Alex to see Sean and Kyle standing there, most likely waiting for me to be finished with Alex.  “Well I think I have to go around and actually talk to other people now no matter how much I want to stay here and hug you all day” I joked as I pulled away from Alex.

I practically ran towards my two favourite guys, I jumped into there arms and hugged them at the same time. “I missed you guys so much” I gushed out. Kyle laughed in my ear and pulled me off of them.

“I missed you to Marissa, it’s good to see you happy” he commented. I twirled around and jumped, I just couldn’t get the excitement out of my body.

“I know it feels good too” I squealed.

“it’s kinda weird not having you home with us. You were my first friend when I came to the pack and now it’s like I never see you” Sean said. I did a mock frown as I looked at him. He had a sad look on his face, I know he missed me but I also missed him too.

“You still have Kyle, I'm sure your going to be ok. Plus I’ve only been gone for like two weeks” I laughed at how they were falling apart without me after like three weeks, who knows how there going to manage two years.


We were all sitting under the little Christmas tree I had put up in my dorm and sipping hot chocolate. It was good to have all my family and friends surrounding me, even Zane’s dad was with us. He had explained everything and I could see that he was really sorry, so of course I forgave him. it’s not like I could say no – he was my alpha.

“You look so beautiful tonight” Zane whispered in my ear as he took a seat next too me. I looked down at the sweat pants and red t-shirt then back up at him. “I mean it, you look absolutely perfect” Zane leaned down and pecked my lips once. I smiled at how sweet he was. I knew I want the prettiest girl or the thinnest but he loved me just the way I was.

“I love you” I said to him. He grinned and nodded but didn’t say anything. So I shoved him a little, almost making him tip over from our siting positions.

“I love you too” He said with a laugh.

So this was it. It was almost the end of the year and we were all together in my little dorm at the fighting academy. I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else right now though. I had everyone I loved in this room and I was the happiest person on the planet. I loved my mate and we found a happy ending, we made it through the worst of it and the only thing left to come was the good.

A new year was about to start, and it was going to start great. I was finally putting a ending on the sad, emotional part of my life. Even though I still ended up at this academy after everything, I ended up here with my mate and my family supporting me. Nothing could outdo this moment right now because it was simply perfect.

It was life as I didn’t know it would ever be. 


That is it! The last chapter at last. A happy ending :) Thank you to everyone who ever voted, commented and read this. It means to much that people are reading my work and to all of you - you guys put a smile on my face. So Vote and comment one last time for the ending, i hope you all liked it and again thank you. A Epilogue will be posted to the ending in a few days!!

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