Chapter 10

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this was supose to be up last week sednesday but my internet was down, sorry guys but the next upload should be sometime on the weekend, vote and comment please!]


Chapter 10

Marissa’s POV

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face, and also the sun. me and Derek were getting along, I had friends and things were going a lot better. I no longer felt like I needed to escape because I'm starting to like it here. The only small problem is Zane, but I think I will be able to manage that one.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 9. Since we all came back late last night most of them will be sleeping in late. I picked up my phone and decided to text Sean, I haven’t seen him since he came to get accepted to the pack and we never got to hang out.

‘Hey, you got any plans for today?’ I hope he’s up, or else I'm going to be bored out of my mind till I can figure out something interesting to do.  ‘Nope not really what did you have in mind?’ he texted back a minute later. Well I didn’t think ahead that far, it was pretty hot out and I was craving some ice cream though…… eh why not it’s not like I eat ice cream for breakfast every day. ‘Wanna go and get some breakfast? I can pick you up’ he still didn’t have a car and I can just use Derek’s.  if I really wanted one I guess I could buy one because my parents have offered me before but I didn’t see the need, school wasn’t that far so I could either walk, ride with Derek or take the bus.

‘Yea sure, pick me up in 20?’ he answered back. Perfect! I rolled out of bed and did the morning essentials. Brush my teeth, take a shower and get changed. I put on some simple blue jeans  and a purple long sleeve. It was fall and some days were cooler than other but overall it wasn’t to bad. My 18th birthday was in a couple weeks and I couldn’t wait! I tied my black hair up in a ponytail on the top of my head before dashing out of my room.  I don’t want to take Derek’s car when he needs it but I don’t want to wake him up either.

I sent him a text telling him a took the car to go out for ice cream and to text me if he needed it.  The keys were just sitting on the counter anyway so it was easy to find and pick up. The pack house was dead as usual in the morning. Our pack wasn’t huge and I liked it that way. we had like 50-70 members and it was much easier to know everyone that way.

I took the keys and closed the door softly behind me.  the car was parked at the bottom of the driveway, making it easy to get out. i started the car and pulled out, driving to Sean’s place. when was he going to move in anyway? Maybe I could help him today.

20 minutes later I pulled up in front of his apartment, he was waiting just outside of it with a pair of black jeans and a simple dark blue hooide pulled over. His dirt blonde hair was stuck up all over the place as if he had ran his hand though his hair a million times already. A tired smile was plastered on his face as he saw me.  his green eyes shone like the happy go-lucky person he is.

He walked over and got in the passenger seat. “ I didn’t know you had a car” he said looking around, it was a pretty nice car but not really my taste. “I don’t, it’s my brothers, I never really bothered with cars that much. And I'm guessing you don’t have one either” I asked as I pulled out and started driving down the road.

He had no idea where we were going so he was in for a pleasant surprise. “Nah I don’t, my dad has one so I just borrow his when I need it. but I'm looking in to getting one soon since I'm going to be moving in with you guys.” I nodded in response, a car was a car to me I never really cared much about them. “So when were you planning on moving in?” I snuck a look over at him, and again that tired expression appeared on his face, so that was what was bothering him. “I don’t know, soon I guess but I haven’t exactly told my dad yet. I love him and even know I don’t see him a lot I know he wont like it that much” my eyes softened as I listen to that, I wish me and my mom had that kind of relationship.

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