Chapter 12

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again sorry for the late uplaods, i've ben horrible with uploads lately. please comment and vote! next upload thursday or friday.


Chapter 12

Marissa’s POV

I peeked through my menu to see Alex looking at me with a sexy smirk on his face, he was honestly the cutest thing! “SO what food is good here?” Zaneboomed. It made my jump in my seat, I dropped my menu from being so startled. When I looked over at him I saw Zanelooking back and forth between me and Alex, I shook my head in a amusement. He was here on a date and he was worrying what I was going to do?

“Uh I’ve never been here before so I really don’t know” Alex answered, completely oblivious to Zane's rude staring.  “Has anyone actually been here before?” ok now he just sounded plain rude and annoying. Everyone just shook there heads though, no one bothered to respond to that. “So Alex how do you know the guys?” I asked, I never saw him around with them before. “Well me your brother and Zane used to hang out all the time when we were younger, I moved though and I don’t get to see them often anymore” I frowned, so he wasn’t going to be around a lot.

Alex looked at me and laughed at my pouty face, “But I just moved back in town” I rolled my eyes with a little smirk on my lips, of course he waited to tell me that. “And I don’t ever remember seeing you when I used to hang out with your brother” he pointed out, well I couldn’t exactly tell him me and my brother hated each other at that time. It was more like silent hate though, nothing cruel or anything. The worse he would do it tease me, but not in front of bug crowds, there was still some love there.

“I never used to be around my brother much back then” that was the least exposed way of looking at it, but I guess it would do. to be honest I have changed now from the beginning, in a way I’ve become a lot more bold with my life and my decisions.  “Oh well that’s a shame, i would have met your pretty face years ago” he said with a smile. “And I would have met your sexy face years ago” I taunted back. mostly everyone was engrossed in their own conversations so I don’t think anyone was paying attention to me and Alex.

“Well how about we get to know each other then? Would you be interested in going out with me next Friday night, seeing as how the weekend is already over?”  he shot me a smile, he already knew my answer to that one. “hmm well I think I might have to check if I have plans that day” I pretended to think about it mockingly, which he shot me a playful glare. “Oh ok I guess it couldn’t hurt” I smiled back teasingly at him.

“Hello are you guys ready to order?” a shorter girl with blonde hair came over to our table and asked. “Yea I think we all are” Derek spoke. Everyone nodded and gave her their order, she was fairly nice and pleasant about everything.

Everyone ordered what they wanted and she walked off to get our orders. My phone went off from my pocket, who was texting me now? Kyle and Sean went to the movies and I was here with everyone else. It was from a unlisted contact in my phone. – Marissa I'm warning you to stop, your going to make me go crazy…. Zane-. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket, how did he get my number anyway?

I looked across to Zane who was already looking at me and I smirked at him. I wasn’t going to ease up one bit, yea I have to admit I still want him a little but I refuse to be a second choice and just give in when he wants me too.

I was sitting on the end of the table so he was the only one beside me, he growled lowly just so I could hear it as some sort of warning. I looked away from him and shot Alex a smile instead. “So Marissa how old are you?” Alex asked. “I'm 17 but I'm turning 18, my birthday is in January”. My brother and Zane were a year older and they were graduating this year, and so was I because I was ahead and started taking classes one year ahead of me own grade. Eventually they just moved me up because they thought I was ready for it.

“So your not graduating this year?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yea I am, I skipped a year so I'm basically in the same grade as my brother” I said. he nodded and smiled, I still had the option of where I wanted to go to college, I could basically choose where I wanted to go since I had the grades anyway. But it was only the start of the school year, I had lots of time for that.

“wait, you just moved here does that mean your going to be going to our school now?” I cocked my head to the side, a little confused at the current situation. A wide grin spreaded across his face. “That is exactly what it means, although I just moved here like two days ago so the school is giving me time to get settled in, I’ll be going there for the first day on Friday. I would appreciate it if you could show me around” he shot me a little half smile with a wink and I had to laugh, he was such a flirt.

“Sure just text me when you get there and I can be your personal escort for the day” I replied back. my phone beeped again from my pocket and I already knew who it was.  should I get it or leave it and annoy him? although I was kind of curious of what he had a problem with now. I pulled it out of my pocket and read it, it took all I had not to laugh.

-Would you stop? I know your doing this just to get to and me and it worked, so give it a break?- he actually thought I was doing this just to get on his nerves? Well half of it was true but the other half was because Alex was cute and he was nice.

-Don’t flatter yourself, it’s not all about you ;)- I sent back and put my phone in my pocket.

Zane’s POV

She was driving me crazy! I cared about her yes, it was unfortunate she had to be my mate because I just didn’t want one. It didn’t matter who it was I would have still rejected the whole mate idea. I don’t like the idea of fate controlling who I was to be with, I could figure that out for myself. And when the time comes then I will claim someone as my alpha female, but no one is worth it yet.

And I have to keep telling myself that what Marissa is doing only bothers me because of the connection. After I read her text I shoved my phone back in my pocket angrily, I refused to pay any more attention to the two of them. I looked over at my date, she was chatting with Derek and Derek’s girl that Marissa seemed to get along with.

It seems like anywhere I go and I can’t have a good time now. I moved closed to my date Arlene. I put my hand on her thigh and started rubbing my hand up and down it. She didn’t even look at me before swatting my hand away. What was her problem?

I glared at the back of her head and just stared at my empty plate. This was such a crappy night. “Here’s your food” our waitress came back and served us each our food. I hope this was at least good, I took mine and began busying myself eating it.

“Whoa slow down there man were you really that hungry?” Derek asked as looked at me with a amused expression. ‘no I just need a distraction from the two girls beside me’ I though but of course I couldn’t say that. “Yea I haven’t ate all day” I lied. Everyone soon enough stopped talking and began eating too. I had to admit the food was really good, maybe I would come here again.

When we were all done we paid for the bill and got up. Derek and sandy walked out together, Marissa and Alex did also, but Arlene walked behind me a little, I slowed down so she would catch up but she just slowed down more. I looked behind me to see her staring at the floor, “What's the matter?” I took me hand and asked. She tried to pull away but I didn’t let her.

“You really want to know Zane?” she asked, I nodded my head obviously, why would I ask if I didn’t want to know?

“Well you’ve been staring at Marissa the whole night and glaring at Alex,  your obviously interested in her, and the you were on your phone texting someone else, it’s clear that you want Marissa because you didn’t pay any attention to me” she said angrily. My eyes went wide, I was not giving Marissa that much attention, was i?

“Arlene I took you out tonight because I'm interested in you not Marissa, I was not staring at her the whole night” I defended myself. “Yes you were Zane, and I'm most likely just your distraction from her. anyone can see if, if you cant see that you like her then your lying to yourself here. I'm not anyone’s second choice though” and with that she pulled her hand away from mine and walked up with sandy and Derek.

Was I like that tonight? i don’t care about Marissa what way. I never have and I won’t. I just cant find the feelings for her in me. I don’t know what Arlene was talking about, this is the first time she’s met Marissa and went out with me so she must have been reading my signals wrong.

I climbed into the car with everyone and stared out the window, lost in my thoughts……………

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